Hobi - Shy

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Hoseok began sucking on his thumb in the corner of the room, beginning to get anxious.

They were on their last couple hours of dance practice and were just having a quick break.

Hoseok was beginning to feel little, really little.

But although the members knew he was a little, he still felt too shy to regress around them.

They knew he would need to slip eventually, they were just waiting for him to feel comfortable.

Hoseok watched the two older members look at eachother before Jin made his way over to him.

"Hobi-ah, you know you can be little if you need to, we won't judge you, we already talked about it" Hoseok shook his head, getting up, "I'm fine hyung" he replied.

Jin frowned, before pulling Hoseok into a hug. "You're not, don't fight it Hoseokie..."

Hoseok didn't reply, his arms wrapping around Jins neck.

Jin picked him up, Hoseoks legs wrapping around his waist as Jin pushed his face into his neck.

Hoseok sighed as he started to cry, Jins neck was warm and dark and he felt safe.

The other members didn't make a fuss as they packed up and Jin carried Hoseok back to the dorm.

Jin sat down on the sofa with Hobi in his lap, waving the other members away to get the stuff baby Hobi needs, as much as the younger ones protested wanting to see him when he slips.

"Hobi sweetheart? Can you look at Jinnie?" Jin was met with a pair of big, watery eyes.

"There we go, such a good boy hmm?" He soothed, taking the pacifier Namjoon handed him and popping it into Hobis mouth, who sucked on it gratefully.

"He's so cute..." Jin whispered as baby Hobi rested his head on Jins shoulder, playing with his fingers.

"You're so whipped for him" Jungkook said, amused as he placed down a onesie and diaper next to him.

Jin blushed, swatting at the younger as he laid baby Hobi down, instructing Namjoon to entertain him while he got him dressed.

Hobi giggled behind his paci as Namjoon waved above him and made sounds, distracting him from Jin putting him in his diaper and onesie.

Namjoon watched as Jin picked Hobi up again, bouncing him gently.

"Let's get you to bed hmm? Poor baby is so tired" the other members eyed eachother with smiles as they watched Jin put baby Hobi down on the bed, cooing when he made grabby hands for his eomma.

Jin laid down with him and cuddled him close, stroking his hair to help him sleep.

"Whipped..." Jungkook whispered again and they all left, letting eomma and his baby Hobi get their sleep.

A/N: Here's another oneee ^^ enjoy! Don't forget to follow me and check out my other books!

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