Koo - I just wanted to help! (Requested)

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Taehyung, the CEO of one of the largest companies in Seoul, was a very busy man.

He didn't have time for company dinners, or dates with any of the female employees who desperately tried to get the single mans attention.

But what they didn't know is that he wasn't single.

He had a boyfriend, who he never brought to work with him.

His boyfriend, Jungkook, was a little.

The most adorable little to be exact, and Taehyung couldn't wait to get back home to him after such a long days work.

His company had been working on a big project for the last month or so and Taehyung had been working overtime.

Even though he could get his assistants to do most of the work for him, he wanted to stay involved in his company and make sure it was all done right.

He had hardly any time for his baby boy while they were working on the project.

Said baby boy was currently at home on his own, he was big when his daddy left for work this morning, but he just couldn't help himself!

Koo decided he would make dinner for his daddy, that would make him happy!

Cuz koo's a big boy and he can make food just like daddy does.

The little tried making steak, just like daddy does, he managed to get the steak out of the fridge and onto a plate.

He had trouble with the stove however, and turned it on high.

"Jungkook-ah? I'm home..." Taehyung called out, tiredness evident in his voice.

The door closing scared the little, and he spilled some oil on the stove, making a fire start on the steak.

Koo squealed, and Taehyung rushed in, seeing the fire and the little.

He immediatley ran to the stove, turning it off and moving the steak so the fire went out.

Koo looked up at his daddy, big doe eyes filled with love and adoration, excited that his daddy was home.

But what he got back was NOT the same.

Taehyung was angry, "for gods sake Jungkook, I come home from a hard days work and you set the house on fire?!?" He shouted.

Koos lip wobbled, looking down at the floor as tears dripped out of his eyes.

"K-Koos sorry! Wanted to help daddy, I maked foods..." he pouted, but it just made Tae more mad.

"Just go sit in the corner, I can't deal with this right now..." Tae sighed, but Koo didn't move.

"For how long daddy?" He asked, wanting to be good and not get up early.

"UNTIL I SAY!" Taehyung turned to Koo and boomed, startling the poor baby, who ran to his spot in the corner, hitting his hand on the wall which made him cry harder.

He stood stock still as he sobbed, Taehyung walking off to take a shower, attempting to calm his anger.

About 45 minutes later, Taehyung was sufficiently calmed down, laying on the bed on his phone, then he remembered.

"Oh my god Jungkook!" He sprinted downstairs, looking towards the time-out corner.

Koo was still there, slumped against the wall, crying and holding his hand.

He wasn't even holding his blankie that he usually had during time-out to help him feel better.

Taehyung was nearly crying, he felt so bad.

"Koo sweetheart?" He said softly, coming up behind him and sitting down on the floor.

Koo jumped, not expecting his daddy to be there, and he started crying again.

"K-koos sorry daddy! J-jus wanted t'help! K-koo jus..." poor boy was so upset, and Tae was crushed.

"I know baby daddy's sorry, he was angry and he took it out on his baby and he never should have shouted at you and left you here, daddy is so sorry baby" Tae sniffled, handing Koo his blanket.

Koo took the blanket, hugging it close to him for comfort, then he saw his daddy was crying.

He shuffled up to his daddy, sitting on his lap and clumsily wiping his tears, "don' cry daddy..." he mumbled quietly, he hated seeing his daddy cry.

Tae pretty much lost it at that point, full on sobbing as he reached his arms out to the little.

Koo felt something shift, and he was Jungkook again, littlespace the last thing on his mind now.

He hugged Tae close, rubbing his back and shushing him.

"Its ok Tae, I know works been hard on you, and I know little koo is a handful" he pulled back to look Taehyung in the eyes, "but if you ever do that to me again I will kill you, now we've learned something haven't we?"

Tae desperatley nodded, hugging Jungkook close like he would leave.

"I'm so sorry baby" he nuzzled into Jungkook, who smiled softly. He forgave him, he knew how stressful work had been.

The two made up, eventually getting up from the floor and ordering takeout to eat while watching a movie.

Taehyung doted on Jungkook the rest of the day, not letting him lift a finger, feeling so guilty even though Jungkook kept telling him it was ok.

A big kiss on Taes lips seemed to shut him up for a while though, Jungkook was getting tired of constant apologies.

Besides, now Tae knew that he needed to control his anger, especially around little Koo, and maybe he would stop leaving Jungkook at home.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad for his employees to see he had a boyfriend.

Because Taehyung loved his boyfriend, he loved him with all his heart.

And because when Jungkook fell asleep in his arms, Taehyung realised how lucky he was.

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