Y/N - Just try it hmm?

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"I think this is good Y/N, we can finish recording tomorrow yeah?" You nodded, thanking Tae as you both headed off to get some coffee as you prepared to do some other work.

You were doing a collaboration with Tae, as a solo idol you did a lot of collaborations, and Tae seemed to be the perfect choice for the song you wrote.

You had known him previously and were already friendly with him and the other members.

So this collaboration was just like doing a project with your best friend, it was very chill.

Which meant your anxiety was also much better, seeing as you knew him well.

You and Tae headed to a nearby cafe, ordering iced americanos and moving to wait for them off to the side, just as some girl decided to run straight into you, knocking you onto the floor.

You were startled, and the girl just scoffed at you as she got up seemingly unharmed, "watch where you're going! God, are you always in peoples way?" She looked at you disgusted as she left the shop.

Tae helped you up, "are you ok?" He asked, his hand on your back.

You couldn't hear him, your ears were ringing as you tried to stave off some kind of anxiety attack.

"Y/N!" He shook your shoulders, making you snap out of it.

You smiled at him, telling him you were fine as you took your coffee, heading back to your studios.

You excused yourself to the empty practice room for a moment, crouching down in the corner to try and calm yourself down.

It was the only place in the company that was empty, as you knew BTS didn't have a schedule in there today.

You rocked yourself in the corner, tears rolling down your cheeks as you tried to calm your breathing down, not really getting anywhere.

You didn't notice Jin make his way into the room with a bag, he had come in for his daily solo practice, wanting to work through the finished routine on his own to perfect his dancing, when he saw you in the corner.

"Y/N? Are you ok?" He quickly moved over to you, putting his bag down and resting his hands on your shoulders.

Your head was buried in your knees, but you raised it to look at him, your watery eyes looking into his before you crumbled.

Your face crumpled up, "Jinnie!" You wailed, jumping into his open arms and sobbing loudly.

Jin understood you were having some sort of anxiety attack, so he rocked you gently and comforted you to calm you down.

"Y/N honey, your anxiety must not be easy hmm?" He said softly, you nodded, laying your head on his shoulder as he continued talking.

"Maybe you should try age regression, it would be a good way to de-stress safely..."

Age regression was something you had heard of, but were always to embarrassed to try.

Jin asked if they could all help you regress and you agreed, trusting them to take care of you.

They were so excited to buy supplies for you, and you blushed when they came, the members holding them up to show you, endeared by your shyness.

It was a saturday they decided would be your little day, you had slept next to Jin that night, and woke up with his hand carding through your hair gently.

"It's time to wake up princess..." Jin said softly, hoisting your tired form up and onto his lap.

You rubbed your eyes with your fists, there was a cloud floating around your brain that you couldn't focus on, but you figured it was fine.

"Morning Jinnie" you mumbled, snuggling into him and making him smile.

"Something tells me our baby isn't too far away" he said, watching as your thumb slipped into your mouth.

It felt way more comforting than you wanted to admit, and Jin knew it wouldn't be long before you slipped.

"Let's get you dressed now hmm baby? Don't want you making a mess do we..." he mumbled, laying you down on the bed as he took out a soft footie onesie and a diaper.

He also grabbed a pacifier as he made his way back to you on the bed.

These were common little items he found on the littlespace website he visited, and he knew it would help you into your headspace.

He popped the diaper on you, smiling at your soft face and red cheeks as he got you all warm in your onesie.

He picked you up, pressing the paci into your mouth which you sucked on happily.

"TaeTae is so excited to see you, as are your other oppas, lets go see them and get you some food in that little tummy hmm?" He tickled your tummy through your onesie, making you squeal behind your paci.

He made his way downstairs, walking into the living room and watching all the members light up at your form.

"Go see your Oppas baby..." he encouraged you softly, putting you down on the floor as you gazed up at him.

His soft smile encouraged you, and you looked back at the members. Before crawling your way over to Tae, much to Jimins dismay.

"Ahh babygirl, you wanna see your Taetae?" He chukled deeply, lifting you up to sit on his lap.

You grinned up at him, poking his cheek with your finger and making them all coo.

You loved all the members of course, but Tae was the one you were close to.

As you snuggled into him, playing with his fingers as Namjoon waved a toy for you, you knew this wouldn't be the last time you were little.

But for now, you snuggled into TaeTae as you played with toys, being fed by the boys and finally relaxing from your stress.

A/N: Hi! Sorry I've been dead, this imagine is LONG and it took me quite a while to write, but I wanted it to be good and I hope you enjoy it!

Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other book <3
Backup acc: hoseokkphile

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