Hobi - Potty Training

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"Hobi-ah! Come here right now!! Or I'll get Yoongi-hyung!!" Jimin called out, the threat apparently worked because a very sad and sniffly baby crawled out of the closet with a diaper clutched to his chest.

"Baby, I know you like your diapers but it's time to use the potty like a big boy now hmm?" Jimin tried to comfort their baby, who wasn't very happy that he had to learn how to use the potty.

They had decided to potty train Hobi because it would be easier for everyone, and stop the accident of having Hobi become big again while in a diaper and being extremely embarrassed.

Jin had ultimately made the decision, but let the younger members handle it as he said it would be good for them to learn some responsibility with the baby.

Jimin had rolled his eyes at the time, but now it seemed this was going to be harder than he thought.

The threat of getting Yoongi was an empty one, Yoongi was so soft for Hobi when he was little, and one look at his teary face would have Yoongi scooping him up, putting the diaper on him and getting into bed with him for cuddles.

Speaking of Yoongi, he had apparently heard Jimin's threat, because he shuffled up the hallway in his slippers to see what was going on.

When he caught site of the baby sniffling with big teary eyes he immediately scooped him up, petting his hair softly and whispering gently to him.

"What's wrong with Hobi?" He asked, looking at Jimin as if it was all HIS fault.

"Jin-hyung said we need to potty train him, but he doesn't want to" Jimin said, backing up slowly and hoping to let Yoongi take the lead, because Yoongi had some kind of magic powers when it came to little Hobi.

Yoongi looked at the baby, who was resting his head on Yoongis chest and playing with his shirt.

"Baby?" Yoongi said softly, the baby looked up at him, his eyes so very big.

"Are you going to be a big brave boy for Yoonie and use the potty?" He asked, Hobi immediately nodded, getting off Yoongi and running to the bathroom, always eager to please his favourite caregiver.

Yoongi smiled softly, completely ignoring Jimin as he went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Jimin shrugged and went to workout, figuring Yoongi had it covered.

Although Hobi would listen to almost everything Yoongi said, Yoongi was still a huge pushover, and around 5 hours later when Jin came home, he saw for himself how soft Yoongi was for their baby.

He was greeted by Yoongi lying on the sofa, their babiest baby in a diaper, lying on his chest, fast asleep while Yoongi rubbed his back.

Jin sighed, looking at the glassed over look in Yoongis eyes, "he cried hyung, he was so upset..." Yoongi mumbled.

Jin shook his head, fluffing Yoongis hair and taking his shoes off, sitting next to the cuddling pair.

"I'll try again next week, when you're out of the house..." Jin mumbled to himself.

He was going to get this done no matter how hard it was, but one thing was obvious.

Yoongi couldn't resist their little Hobi...

A/N: I'm so sorry this request took me so long, and I know this was a request, I'm so sorry I haven't been uploading, I always feel really bad when I don't, but I am writing again, I'm just slow for some reason, just life happens I guess, but I'll try my hardest to keep writing because I really want to! Don't worry I'll update me new Oneshots book soon and hopefully the series at one point god willing.

Anyways thanks for reading and don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books!! Also follow my backup account in case this one gets deleted or something: hoseokkphile

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