Koo - Cuddles?

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"Yoon hyungie?" Yoongi looked behind him when he heard a little voice pipe up, and he saw little Koo, in his onesie, gazing up at him with his big doe eyes.

"Yes baby?" Yoongi turned his chair to give Koo his full attention.

"Can Koo has cwuddles?" He asked softly, grinning when his hyungie opened his arms, letting his baby straddle his lap, settling in his arms and burying his face into the crook of Yoongis neck.

Yoongi rubbed his back, smiling softly as Koo nuzzled into his neck with a soft sigh.

Little Koo didn't move much or make any noise for a couple of hours, very content on his hyungies lap, wrapped in his arms.

Yoongi continued to work, but was also a bit confused, as Koo was normally quite hyper and playful in his little space.

After those 2 hours Yoongi wanted to get Koo a snack and some juice, but he did have to wake him up to do so.

"Koo baby, wake up, hyungie wants to get us some snacks..." he mumbled softly, gummy smiling when Koo pouted.

He slid off Yoongis lap, toddling off to the kitchen as Yoongi followed.

He entered the kitchen to see Jimin was also in there, eating a pot of ramen at the table.

Koo lit up when he saw his Jimi hyungie, bouncing up to him and doing grabby hands to be picked up.

"Oh hey Jiminie, I was just getting our baby a snack" Yoongi said, getting a pack of animal crackers and some juice to put in a sippy cup.

He smiled as Jimin played peekaboo with baby Koo, watching as he giggled softly.

"Do you wanna take him Jiminie? He's very cuddly today" Yoongi knew that Jimin loved to cuddle, especially when one of the other members was little.

Jimin lit up, immediately scooping up his baby and running off to his room.

Yoongi smiled at that, before going back to his work, he couldn't help but notice how empty his lap felt now that Koo was gone :(

Meanwhile, Jimin and baby Koo cuddled up in bed with his snacks and sippy cup, watching a barbie movie together.

Jimin nuzzled his nose on Koos, making him giggle, before Koo snuggled himself into Jimins neck, still and quiet as they watched the movie together.

After about 30 mins, Namjoon came in, handing Jimin a snack as he had forgotten his ramen in the kitchen.

"Hey hyung, do you wanna hang with Koo for a bit? I was gonna go workout" Koo beamed up at his Namjoon hyungie, and Namjoon smiled, happy to look after their baby.

Namjoon ended up on the sofa in the living room, baby Koo on his lap, with a few of the other members scattered around them.

They all watched another movied together, before watching Tae and Jimin try and beat eachother at mario-kart.

Baby Koo was latched onto Namjoon like a koala, his face resting in his neck, pink Paci bobbing in and out of his mouth gently as he happily hugged his Joonie hyungie.

"Hyung, did you notice Koo is very cuddly and quiet today?" Jimin said, pouting as he watched his baby cuddle Namjoon, Jimin loved to cuddle, and watching others cuddle always made him pouty.

Jin nodded, "yeah, I suppose he just wants more cuddles today, we can always talk to him when he's big again" Jin mused.

The members all nodded, maybe they would talk to him when he was big again, but either way, they loved their cuddly baby boy.

A/N: Sorry this took so long! I'm trying to make all my stories longer, but it takes a bit of effort to stretch the story out

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