Jinnie - When he's non-verbal

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"Jin-hyung?" Jimin called out as he knocked on his hyungs bedroom door.

Yoongi had made dinner, no one had seen Jin all day, and they were worried.

Jimin was tasked with going to get their eldest hyung, assuming he was asleep, Jimin just let himself in.

What he didn't expect to see was his hyung buried under his covers, small sobs coming from him.

Jimin hurried over to the lump on the bed, sitting next to him and stroking the top of the lump comfortingly.

"Oh sweetheart, what's wrong?" Jimin watched as he dug himself out from the cocoon, looking up at his minnie-hyung with big watery eyes.

And he burst into tears again.

"Oh honey... come here..." Jimin mumbled, opening his arms for their prince, who shuffled onto his lap.

It didn't take a genius to guess Jin was little, Jimin just wanted to know why he was so upset.

"Jinnie baby?" Jimin asked, stroking his cheeks gently as he guided Jinnies head to look at him.

"Can you tell minnie-hyung why you're so upset?" He asked softly, smiling at him encouragingly.

Jinnie simply stared at him, his pout wobbling, but he made no effort to speak.

Jimin tilted his head in thought before hugging his baby back to his chest for safety.

"Too little for words sweetheart? That's ok, minnie will look after you..." he mumbled, stroking his hair gently.

Jinnie sighed, appearing to be comforted by Jimins soothing voice.

"Jimin-ah? Foods gonna get cold- oh" Namjoon wondered his way in, immediately sensing what was going on.

"Jinnie is feeling very small today, so we're gonna get him a bottle" Jimin took Jin in his arms, and they made their way downstairs.

Namjoon walked behind, making faces to make Jinnie laugh.

The baby giggled, nuzzling his face into his minnie-hyungs neck as they got to the kitchen where the other members were waiting.

"I'll make him a bottle" Namjoon ran to get it, almost tripping over his own feet.

"Oh no you don't" Yoongi didn't hesitate, making the maknaes laugh as he ushered Namjoon away from the kitchen.

"Oh, is that our prince? Our sweet baby boy?" Hoseok stood behind Jimin, getting Jinnies attention and entertaining him while Yoongi prepared the bottle.

The other members ate their own food as Jimin fed their baby, with Taehyung spoon feeding him his own food, which made Jimin blush.

Jinnie just gazed up at his caregiver, and Jimin could see so much love in his babys eyes, the trust he had in the other members to look after him while little.

Jimin was touched that Jin chose him as his main caregiver, it meant a lot to him.

Jimin finished feeding the baby, taking him upstairs to change into something more comfortable while the other member set up for their movie night.

"There we are baby, thats much better isn't it?" He tickled Jinnies tummy making him giggle before picking him up and taking him downstairs.

They saw the members had set up the sofa for them, sitting Jinnie in the middle, always the centre of attention for their baby.

He giggled as Namjoon handed him his paci, and they turned on his favourite movie.

Jinnie squealed, one of his hands holding onto Jungkooks thumb as he watched his show.

But he didn't see the endearing looks from his caregivers, the big bunny smile from Jungkook because he was holding his hand, making the rest of them chuckle.

After Jin had become big again, he explained to the why he was so upset, he was frustrated because he hadn't slipped in so long.

So he ended up slipping a lot further when he finally did, and that's why he was non-verbal.

He apologised to his caregivers for worrying them and causing trouble, but they dismissed him.

Assuring him he could never cause them any trouble and they adored looking after him.

He was their perfect little prince, and my god, did they love him.

A/N: Finally an update! This one turned out longer than usual so enjoy ^^ Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books <3

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