Y/N - Little shy

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You had confessed to the boys a while ago that you were a little, they had taken it well and said they would support you.

But you felt reluctant to reveal your little side to them, and you decided to hide away all your things.

Your baby bouncer, your high chair, all your clothes and your toys, right at the back of your (very large) closet.

The boys noticed that you hadn't slipped in a while, Tae telling the boys that he had found all your little space stuff at the back of your closet.

It was a stormy friday night whem this all finally came to an end.

You had always loved storms, and lighting, and you were fighting slipping into little space in front of the boys as you were so excited about the storm.

Tae was watching you carefully as he noticed you fighting your head space.

You slipped away quietly, locking yourself in the bathroom and trying to keep your sobbing to minimum, when you heard a knock at the door.

"Y/N? it's Tae sweetheart, can you let me in?" Tae spoke softly, you smiled a bit, still crying as you unlocked the door, looking up to see Taehyung wearing a soft smile.

You made grabby hands at him, pouting as he deeply chuckled, picking you up.

"Want me to help you feel little princess?" you nodded shyly into his neck, as he carried you to your room.

He signaled the other members in the living room, who set up your high chair and baby bouncer.

Tae laid you down on the bed as you tried to chew on your own toes, he chuckled as he got some clothes for you to wear.

"How old are you sweetheart?" He asked as he took a diaper, short yellow onesie and yellow paci, bringing them to the bed.

You blinked up at him, giggling when he tilted his head.

"I guess you're really small then, that's ok princess, now let's get you dressed" he pulled your clothes off, laying the diaper out.

He lifted you onto it and made sure to powder you up before securing the diaper around your waist.

You smiled up at him, watching his hair as he slipped the onesie onto you, popping your paci in your mouth, which you sucked on gratefully.

He tickled your tummy, making you giggle cutely behind your paci before he lifted you up, placing you on his hip and making your way downstairs.

He got downstairs to see Jungkook, and Jimin in the living room, seemily on their phones, while the rest were in other places.

Milling around and doing their own thing so as not to startle you with too many people.

You saw your baby bouncer in the livingroom, so you pointed at it, looking at Tae excitedly.

"Yes baby that's yours, do u wanna have some lunch first though? Then you can go in your bouncer ok?" You nodded, burying your face in his neck.

He carried you into the kitchen and set you down in your highchair, touching your cheek softly as you giggled, your paci gently going in and out.

He smiled at you, before turning to the other members that were sat at the table as they began to eat and Tae began to feed you every now and again.

"Isn't she adorable? She looks so peaceful..." Tae couldn't help but chuckle when you reached out to touch his fluffy hair, he bent down to allow you to reach.

"You're so whipped Tae" Jin teased as he saw the sparkle in Tae's eye as he finished feeding you, gently pressing your paci back into your mouth.

"When she's big again, just tell her how you feel" Namjoon patted him on the shoulder as he picked you up out of your high chair, taking you to the living room and placing you in your bouncer.

You giggled as you happily kicked your legs, feeling a little sleepy as the bouncing soothed you.

"Sweet dreams princess..." Tae murmured.

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