Y/N - When you're a little Pt.2

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You didn't wanna let go of Namjoon, playing with his hair which made you giggle, they all cooed at your cuteness as you kicked your little feet in his hold.

"Lunch time for our precious babygirl~" Jimin called from the kitchen as they all made their way in to see a pink highchair for you that Hoseok had managed to get.

He got it when he thought you were a little and he wanted you to be comfortable.

When you saw it you looked a bit apprehensive, pushing on Namjoons chest and stuffing your face into the crook of his neck, "I know pumpkin it's a lot but you're too small to sit in a big chair" Namjoon explained as you nodded, seemingly ok with the whole situation.

The needed to discuss safe words and everything with you but for now this seemed like a good step and if you really didn't want to then they wouldn't.

Namjoon lifted you into the chair and him and Hoseok both strapped you in, you sat there with wide eyes, your paci bobbing as you wouldn't let go of Namjoons shirt, looking at him.

"I know sweetheart, I know" he mumbled as Hoseok unlatched your fingers from his shirt, giving you his fingers to play with as your paci fell from your mouth.

"She's really small isn't she?" Hoseok said fondly, watching you suck on his fingers, which he allowed.

When he pulled away from you to help Jin with the food you started to cry, not wanting to be left alone.

Jungkook came closer to you, slipping your paci into your mouth as you continued to sniffle, now sucking on your paci quietly.

You looked at him with glossy eyes before swinging your legs gently, laying your head on the plush side of your chair as the members finished bringing all the food, sitting down.

Hoseok sat the nearest to you, taking your paci out and occasionally feeding you bits of food as the members watched you fondly.

When you had all finished eating you stayed sat in your chair, playing with your fingers whilst the members cleared up.

You yawned as Jimin came to you, an eye smile on his face.

"Someones tired~" he tickled your leg as you giggled, yawning again.

He got you out of your chair, keeping you on his hip as you lay your head on his neck, staring at him.

You started squirming suddenly, "wet..." you whined and Jimin understood as he took you to your room, laying you on your changing table as he took your dress off, changing your diaper and slipping a pink onesie on you that didn't hide your adorable diaper one bit.

He gently lifted you into your crib, kissing you as you started to fall asleep, sucking on your paci.

"Night night babygirl, sweet dreams..."

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