Jinnie - Yoonie 'ungie?

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When Jin was little, he called everyone Hyung.

It was extremely endearing, and the members took full advantage of calling themselves hyung when he was little.

Jin was NOT happy with it when they told him when he was big, but he couldn't control what little Jinnie did, much to his dismay.

Little Jinnie appeared to do every single thing big Jin wouldn't want.

But he particularly had a soft spot for Yoongi when he was little, his oldest dongsaeng.

Yoongi absolutely loved him, becoming the softest man for his baby boy, the members found them adorable together, Yoongi always doting on him and Jinnie always clinging to him.

Yoongi got home early in the morning, having been out at the studio all night and finally deciding to drag himself home at 6am for food and sleep.

Almost as soon as he stepped in the door, he looked down to see the baby clinging to his legs, tears on his lashes as he stared up at him.

"What's wrong with Jinnie?" Yoongi spoke softly as he picked him up, letting the baby bury his face into his neck as Jimin replied.

"He was so upset last night when you didn't come home, he barely slept and woke up as soon as Namjoon-hyung got up so he could wait for you" Namjoon entered the room just as Jimin spoke, cup of coffee in his hand.

Yoongi felt guilty, imagining how upset his baby must've been that his favourite hyungie wasn't there.

"Oh baby, hyungies sorry, I should've come home..." he hugged his baby, said baby just nuzzling into him, obviously not up for talking.

Namjoon patted Yoongi on the shoulder, as if to tell him it's ok, before leaving for the studio.

Yoongi took the baby upstairs, getting himself ready to sleep before snuggling in bed with Jinnie, letting him cuddle up to his side as his paci was slipped into his mouth.

"Yoongi 'ungie?" Jinnie mumbled, looking up at his caregiver with love and trust.

Yoongi smiled at him, stroking his hair and kissing his forehead softly.

"Love you 'ungie..."

A/N: it's 3pm, I got home from work at 6am, and I have work again tonight at 10pm until 6am, so I am not happy. Just a short little imagine while I work on my series, pray for me that I don't quit my fucking job.

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