Koo - Trying new things

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"Shit, this is the third time this week..." Jungkook sighed, bundling his bedding into the washing machine.

He had wet the bed again and it was stressing him out, stopping him from slipping during the day so he didn't wet himself in front of the members.

They were his caregivers and fully supported him, but he was far too embarrassed to tell Jin, his main caregiver, that he kept wetting himself.

But they would probably notice that he hadn't slipped during the day for a while and question him, and Jungkook didn't want to end up in diapers, he couldn't.

It was just too embarrassing, although he maybe wanted to.

Maybe he could buy them and try them without the members knowing, so he didn't have to wear diapers in front of them.

"That's the third time this week Jungkook-ah" Jungkook jumped and nearly hit his head on the washing machine when Jin spoke from behind him.

Jungkook stood in front of him, his eyes on the floor, he didn't want to see Jins face.

"You know what I'm going to say don't you?" Jin asked, his voice softer, his fingers coming to lift Jungkooks chin, wiping the couple of tears that were on his cute red cheeks.

Jungkook sniffled, lifting his arms up and immediately being picked up by Jin, burying his face in his neck and wrapping his legs around his waist.

Jin locked eyes with Namjoon who was outside the door, nodding to him, before bringing Jungkook into his room and laying him down on the new changing mat that was already on his bed.

Jungkook continued to sniffle and cry, not fighting when his pink Paci was pressed to his lips by Jin, sucking on it sadly.

Namjoon came in and handed the pack of large fluffy diapers to Jin, rubbing Jungkooks tummy to comfort him, before leaving and closing the door behind him.

All the members knew Jungkook would feel the most comfortable with only Jin in the room.

"Don't cry sweetheart, I know you're embarrassed but we can't have you wetting the bed hmm? It's not fun for anyone bunny" Jin stroked his cheek gently, pressing a kiss to it before pulling off Jungkooks sweats and boxers.

He tapped Jungkooks hips to get them to lift as he slipped the diaper underneath him. Jungkook was fidgeting his limbs around, uncomfortable.

Jin handed him his bunny plush to hold onto, Jungkook stuffing his face into the fur.

Jin put talcum powder in the places that needed it, before taping the diaper up, patting his padding.

"You're such a good boy Koo, did you slip for me baby?" Jungkook nodded, his paci going in and out.

Jin smiled at him, he looked so cute with his thick padded diaper, he couldn't close his legs because the diaper was so thick.

Jin might have purposely gotten the thickest ones he could find because he thought it would be cute, he was so right.

"I think your short pink onesie is fine, you'll look so cute bunny" Jungkook smiled behind his paci, happy to be called cute, although his red cheeks told you he was still embarrassed.

Jin put Jungkook in the fuzzy pink snapcrotch onesie, almost struggling to do up the poppers around the diaper.

He put a paci clip on so his paci wouldn't get lost, and some of his thigh highs on to keep his legs warm, before picking him up.

Jungkook buried his face back into Jins neck, his large padded bottom on full view, Jungkook occasionally kicking his legs, still clutching his bunny plush.

Jin carried Jungkook out into the living room.

Jimin and Yoongi were both there watching something on the TV, they both smiled so wide when they saw Jungkook, Jimin practically keeled over at how cute he looked.

Jin sat down on the sofa wifh Jungkook on his lap, patting his diaper gently.

"Jungkookie, I think Jiminie is going to pass out if he doesn't get to hold you, do you want to give him some attention sweetheart?" Jungkook peeked at Jimin, his paci bobbing gently in his mouth.

He nodded at Jin, reaching his hands to Jimin, "Jwiminie, cuwddle..." he mumbled, making Hoseok and Taehyung aww from the doorway as Jungkook climbed onto Jimin, pressing his paci to his cheek, little Koos version of a kiss.

Jimin pointed at the diaper behind Jungkooks back with a grin and all the members looked like they could cry from cuteness, clutching their hands to their chests.

Jungkook kicked his legs, seeming to be quite happy and snug on Jimins lap in his thick diaper.

"Do you want to watch barbie bunny? Yoonie promises he'll do the voices" Jungkook squealed, bouncing up and down on Jimins lap and smiling wide at Yoongi, his paci falling from his mouth and making all the members grin as Yoongi looked at Jin, embarrassed.

Yoongi sighed as the movie was turned on, "looks like I'll be doing the voices then..." he said, as he pressed the paci back into Jungkooks mouth, kissing the paci and making him giggle.

A/N: my first new littlespace imagine in a while! I hope you enjoy it, I wanted to do some ones with the members as littles as well so I'll do a mix, I'm quite proud of this one. I've got more ideas in the works so follow me to stay tuned!

I will be finishing my Sugar Daddy Series soon and make sure you check out '703' :)

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