Y/N - When you're a little Pt.1

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You pulled your thumb away from your mouth, trying to resist sucking on it.

You were currently chilling with your friends, aka BTS, who you had known for a long time.

However, what they didn't know is that you were a little.

You were feeling really little right now and were trying so hard not to slip in front of them, afraid they would judge you.

You didn't notice the fact that Hoseok was watching you, he had a suspicion that you may be little and when he saw your discomfort he knew he was right.

"U-h guys I'm gonna h-head to my room, night!" You hurriedly ran off up the stairs to your room.

The other members looked at eachother weird before going back to what they were doing, but Hoseok slipped away, following you up to your room.

He didn't know what would happen but he knew that he wanted to be there for you.

You fumbled with your box of little stuff, laying out your outfit, a short, pastel pink dress with ruffles on the sleeves and skirt, your matching pastel pink thigh highs, and your main little items: your black pacifier with stars on, your diaper and your sippy cup with planets on.

You laid them on the bed and sat down, feeling yourself beginning to slip.

You fumbled with the clothes but with your headspace changing you couldn't get them on, and you began crying in frustration.

Hoseok was going to knock but he opened the door when he heard you crying.

He immediately ran over to you, pulling you into his embrace, "no baby don't cry, I'm here" he cooed, stroking your hair.

"N-no, hobi hate
Y/N-ie because she wittle" you cried into his neck, trying to push him away.

"No sweetheart I don't hate you, how old are you munchkin?" You held up 3 fingers and sniffled.

Hoseok's eyes fell on all your gear you had laid out and you blushed, stuffing your face in his chest as he chuckled at your cuteness, "baby needs help feeling small hmm?" He asked, stroking your cheek.

You nodded with a pout and he picked you up with ease, making you squeal in delight before laying you down on the bed.

"Ok, arms up!" You raised your arms cutely as he slowly undressed you, slipping your adorable dress onto you, you smiled happily at the feeling and sight of your favourite little dress.

He then took your panties off as you blushed, he smiled as he took some powder to make sure you wouldn't get sore before slipping the diaper underneath you and fastening it up, patting it gently.

He pulled both the socks up your legs, tickling your thigh, which made you giggle.

He helped you sit up, cooing at your cuteness.

He clipped a pacifier clip onto your dress and popped your pacifier into your mouth.

You giggled happily behind your paci, finally feeling little.

Hoseok lifted you up, his smile never leaving his face as he sat you down on his lap, taking a toy that he had seen in your box and handing it to you.

"Tank chu hobi" you grinned at him before smuggling into his chest, feeling sleepy after crying.

Whilst you were asleep, you didn't hear the other members creeping in, or feel Hoseok putting a finger to his lips to make them keep quiet as he laid you down on the bed and tucked you in, kissing your forehead, before leading them out of the room.

"Hoseok, please explain why Y/N looks as adorable as she does right now" Jin asked with a soft smile on his face at the image of you in your cute little diaper with a paci in your mouth.

"Ok guys, this is what's going on..." the members awwed as Hoseok explained what was happening, that you were a little.

He said that you would be super shy and embarrassed to see them so they had to know how to talk to you.

After he had finished explaining they heard you crying.

Hoseok shooed all the members into the living room as he went in to see you.

"Oh sweetheart come to Hobi" he said gently, lifting you up and bouncing you on his knee.

"Are you ready to go and see all your uncles?" He asked, you thought for a minute and huffed before nodding reluctantly, as Hoseok took you to the members, your paci had fallen out of your mouth when you saw them all, and as Hoseok sat on the sofa amongst them all with you on his lap he took your paci and popped it back into your mouth, watching as you sucked it gently.

You looked around at all of them, feeling shy.

You dug your face in Hobi's neck, sucking on your Paci.

"It's ok baby, say hi to your uncles" you waved your hand shyly, not moving your head, making them all chuckle.

You finally looked up, deciding to speak "hobi, uncwles no hate Y/N-ie?" the members awwed hearing you speach and you took it as your confirmation.

You realised you were wearing your diaper and your short dress, trying to pull it down to cover it.

Namjoon came over stopping your hands and holding them "no need to be embarrassed bubs, you look adorable" he said, patting your diaper, you giggled and reached your hands up to him for a hug.

He picked you up, cuddling you close to him, feeling protective as he slipped your paci back into your mouth.

As you cuddled into him you thought, that you're gonna be just fine.

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