Y/N - Little sleepy

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Y/N rubbed her eyes with a pout as she sat down for breakfast, she had work to do at home while the boys had a day off.

She told them to go out and do something but they insisted on staying home with her, making lame excuses like they were tired and wanted to eat noodles at home or something like that.

Y/N didn't see a point in arguing with them further, so she had just accepted it.

She thought it would maybe be motivating to have them there while she tried to work.

But Y/N woke up really tired and grumpy, which she tried not to show as Jin put some toast in front of them, the maknaes scrambling for it like it would fly away.

She grabbed whatever was left, glaring at the maknaes who sank back in their seats guiltily as she frowned at the table.

Jin looked at her puzzled, "everything ok baby?" He asked, seeing how grumpy she was.

Y/N didn't answer, just stuffing some food in her mouth and looking on her phone.

She was tired, and overworked.

She had been working on this project for weeks, even though it wasn't due for a month, she wanted to get it done.

Poor Jin looked at her, still confused as he sat down, all the members looking at eachother weirdly.

Y/N ate quickly, wanting to leave and get to work as soon as possible so she could get lots done today.

She quickly put her plate in the sink, heading back up to her room and slamming the door, making the members jump.

"She's working too hard..." Jin mumbled, eating his own breakfast.

They knew she was overworking, but you couldn't talk Y/N out of anything, unfortunatley you had to let her burn out and, conviniently, slip into her littlespace.

Y/N had been at her desk for hours now, she had managed to write 3 paragraphs, but for her it wasn't enough.

She just had her head on her desk, breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face as she tried and failed to hold them back.

Jin leaned on the door frame for a moment, a sad smile on his face before he made his way over to her, crouching down and stroking her thighs.

"Y/N honey, it's time to stop now..." he mumbled.

She fell into his arms, being picked up by Jin and taken over to the bed, seated in his lap as she cried into the crook of his neck.

Jin patted her back gently, shushing and soothing her.

"I know you're tired baby, I think we need to get you some food in that tummy and have a nap hmm?" She whined at the idea of making decisions, clearly having slipped as she began sobbing again.

"Ok honey, yes that's what daddy's gonna do, no more decisions for the baby..." he mumbled.

He laid her down on the bed, taking her scratchy adult clothes off and taking one of his hoodies and some sweatpants, getting her nice and cosy.

He picked her back up, letting her bury her head into his shoulder as he took her downstairs to make a bottle.

He placed her down next to him as he made it, letting her cling to his waist.

Namjoon walked into the kitchen to get himself a snack and saw her, realising she must have slipped.

He dimple smiled at her, stroking her head gently and kissing her cheek before getting his snack and leaving.

"Come on then pumpkin, lets get some food in that tummy before naptime hmm?" He said rhetorically as he finished making the bottle, lifting her up and taking her up to his room.

Jin cradled his baby on his lap as he fed her the bottle, her eyes were already drooping and Jin watched her fondly.

He thought she was adorable, and he loved taking care of her.

Y/N finished the bottle, straddling his lap as he patted her back and cuddled her for a bit.

It was late afternoon now, and Jin decided to let his baby sleep for an hour or two before dinner, so she could de-stress after the amount of work she did today.

He laid down with her, letting her snuggle into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

Y/N sighed, smiling softly as she fell asleep, and Jin watched her fondly, happy that he could help her to relax.

He loved their baby so much...

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