Tete - Big smile?

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"Tae baby please open the door..." Jimin pleaded with the younger, who had locked himself in his room after work.

One of the managers had shouted at him for falling over on their new choreography and Tae was already feeling particularly sensitive that day, so it made him feel small.

But he didn't want to be small, he couldn't, he was annoying and he didn't want to bother the other members while they tried to relax after work, he just got in the way.

"Tete sweetheart are you feeling small?" Jin asked softly through the door, "NO, NOT LITTLE!" Tae screamed, burying himself in his closet and slamming the door.

Jimin and Jin looked at eachother with a sigh, before Jimin called through the door again, "well baby if you need us then we're in the kitchen ok?" No reply came from the room, so they both left, figuring Tae just needed some space.

After about 30 minutes, Tae went to the bathroom, not locking the door when he went back to his room.

He secretly hoped someone would come and check on him, as much as he wanted to be left alone, a part of him wanted to be small and cared for, but he just felt too guilty to ask for it himself.

Jimin made his way up about 20 minutes later, figuring it had been long enough for their baby to sit with his feelings.

He knocked on the door, before finding it was unlocked and going in, "Tae? Where are you?" He called out, before hearing sniffling coming from the closet.

He made his way over and opened the door, seeing their baby curled up on the floor with his face in a cushion.

"Oh baby..." Jimin mumbled, he laid down next to him, just letting him know he was there and stroking his back gently until Tae wanted to talk.

Tae continued to sniffle for a while, clearly miserable for reasons Jimin didn't yet know.

"Baby I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere ok? Please tell me what's wrong prince..." Jimin mumbled soothingly, trying to help Tae feel better in any way that he could.

Tae was feeling more little by the second, but it was making him frustrated because he didn't WANT to be little, he didn't want to be a nuisance and make them look after him on their break.

The fact that Jimin was wasting his time with him now made him even more upset, and he started loudly sobbing again.

"Go 'way Minnie, Minnie need break..." he stuttered out through sobs.

Jimin was confused, "I'm already on a break baby? I haven't done anything all day, accept worry about you" he said, which made Tae cry harder.

"Oh baby what's wrong? Why won't you tell me? It it something hyungs did?" He asked, Tae shook his head, pointing at himself.

"Is it something you did?" Jimin pressed further, Tae nodded, miserable.

"You haven't done anything wrong prince! You've been the absolute best boy, what could you possibly have done?" Tae finally turned to face Jimin, and Jimins face fell with how said their baby looked, he was clearly feeling extremely guilty about something, and Jimin was about to find out.

"H-hyungs need rest, Tete keep hyungies from rest cuz Tete little, Tete doesn't want to stop hyungies restin" he cried, falling into Jimins arms as Jimin had opened his arms for him.

Jimin hugged him tight, stroking his back and kissing his head to finally comfort the boy.

He couldn't believe their baby was so upset that he thought that looking after him when he was little was a burden to them.

He WAS their rest, and Jimin couldn't believe that their baby was so insecure.

"My love, I absolutely adore you when you're big AND small, and hyungs adore you too, Jungkook things you're the cutest thing in the world!" Jimin said, smiling as he noticed their sweet little baby was blushing in his arms.

"Taehyungie, we all love you, and we want to take care of you, if you need to be little then that's ok! It's important that you get to relax as well prince..." Jimin mumbled, rocking him side to side.

Tae couldn't really speak anymore, he was feeling VERY little now and Jimin knew he was going to be dealing with a clingy baby for the next couple of days.

"Tete! Look at Minnie!" Tae looked at him with wide eyes, fingers in his mouth, "can you do a big smile?" Jimin asked, grinning as the baby did his big boxy smile in response, always happy to make his hyungs happy.

Jimin cooed at him, tickling his tummy and playing with him, he was so happy their baby was finally happy, and he was even happier to see his adorable smile.

A/N: Managed to make this one longer, absolutely nailing it. The persons who requested for this book, it will be the next story, so don't worry I didn't forget haha. Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books!! Backup acc: hoseokkphile

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