Jiminie - Soft day

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When Jimin woke up his head felt fuzzy, and he knew it was gonna be a soft day.

He swung himself out of bed, heading into the kitchen where the other members were preparing breakfast.

They could always tell when Jimin was feeling small, he started physically trying to make himself smaller, curling up to them and snuggling into their sides.

He began wining, and putting his fingers in his mouth in the absence of his paci.

The members always ended up having to subtly coax him into his headspace, little Jiminie is very sensitive, so the members had to be very gentle when helping him.

It was mostly left to Jiminies daddy, Yoongi, with the other members assisting him, but letting him lead.

"No fingers in mouths Jiminie, if you want your paci you need to ask" Jin scolded softly as he pulled the youngers fingers away from his mouth, making him pout.

Jimin was quiet today, still not fully submitting to his little space, so the members knew he would be extra sensitive.

Jimin looked up at Jin with big watery eyes, so Yoongi came over and scooped him up, taking him for some quiet time.

"Come on then baby, lets get you into your soft clothes hmm?" He said, more to himself as he laid Jimin on his bed, handing him his favourite stuffy to play with while getting him an outfit.

Yoongi grabbed a fluffy footie onesie, one of Jimins favoutites, along with a matching paci (both were duck themed) and headed over to him.

Jimin was feeling smaller by the minute, and Yoongi couldn't hold back his gummy smile as he undressed him, helping him into his fluffy yellow onesie.

Jiminie giggled, and so did Yoongi as he pressed the yellow paci into his babies mouth, watching him eye smile gratefully as he reached his arms out for his daddy.

"There we go, lets go see hyungies hmm?" He said, booping Jiminies nose as he took him downstairs to see his hyungies.

He was immediately attacked by Namjoon, who had a soft spot for baby Jiminie.

"Oh there's our little prince!" He poked his cheeks, making him eye smile and giggle.

"Joo h'ungie!" He babbled behind his paci, reaching out to his Namjoonie hyungie.

Namjoon took him from Yoongi, a big dimpled smile on his face as he went to get some of his toys out.

Jin watched as Yoongi watched Jiminie play, looking fondly at him with a light blush on his face.

Jin put his hand on Yoongis shoulder, "you're so soft for him, and he adores you" Jin said, watching Yoongi blush and bury his face into his chest.

A/N: If anyone has any requests for some little imagines they wanna see please comment them here ^^

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