Jiminie - Baby Boy

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You were looking around for Jimin, he had come home a few hours ago, clearly upset or stressed about something.

He wasn't in his room, and you had searched everywhere for him with no luck.

Ah, there was one place you didn't look, of course he was in there, he must be feeling little.

You opened the door to your room, seeing a lump under your covers.

"Minie? Baby are you ok?" You called out gently, hearing a sniffle from under the covers, but not much else.

You sat down on the bed, stroking the shaking lump in your sheets and waiting for him to reveal himself in his own time.

The sniffles continued from under the covers, and after a few minutes of stroking comfortingly and whispering soft praises, he eventually crawled out from his hiding place.

His face was red, eyes puffy as tears still escaped them.

"Oh Minie..." you opened your arms for him, and he gladly climbed onto your lap.

He buried his face into the crook of your neck, his arms and legs locking themselves around you like Koala.

His crying started up again, loud sobs coming from him as you wrapped your arms around his shaking frame.

"Oh honey, it's ok mommy's here hmm? nothing to be sad about sweetpea..." you comforted him, stroking his back as he continued crying into your shoulder.

He was clearly overwhelmed and overworked, you knew the upcoming comeback was harder on the members, but Jimin was obviously taking it harder than usual for some reason.

You held him, rocking him until he was back to sniffling.

"How old are you feeling love?" You cupped his face so he would look at you.

His lip wobbled, overwhelmed by such a simple decision to make, and you knew he was smaller than normal.

"Just a baby today hmm? That's ok, mommy will take care of everything, no more big thoughts for the baby..." you mumbled.

You guided his head back into the crook of your neck as you rocked him gently, waiting for him to calm down fully before doing anything else.

After you didn't hear him sniffling anymore, you laid him down on your bed, handing him a stuffy to occupy his attention.

He giggled to himself, playing with his favourite yellow chick stuffy as you selected a fuzzy yellow footie onesie for him to wear.

You decided it was going to be a quiet evening for him, a warm bottle of milk and story time with some cuddles before bed.

You smiled, endeared by his giggles as he played with his stuffy, you hated seeing him upset.

"Arms up pumpkin, mommy's gonna get you all cosy..." he reached his arms out to you with a smile on his face as you kissed his chubby wittle cheekies.

You took off the jeans and t-shirt he was wearing, slipping on the soft onesie, letting him grab his own feet as you searched for his yellow pacifier.

His eyes lit up when you presented it to him, and he immediately started suckling on it when you put it in his mouth.

You then took him downstairs, heating up some milk in his favourite bottle.

"You want some milk prince? Baby's favourite?" You coddled him as he giggled at you, watching you walk over to him with the bottle of milk.

You arranged him on your lap, reading him a story as he drank his milk, eyelids slowly drooping the entire time.

He finished his milk before you finished the story, and he was so tired you took him upstairs to your bed, laying down with him after getting yourself ready for bed and letting him lay on your chest.

He let out a little sigh of content, and you listened to his breathing even out as he drifted off into a comfortable sleep.

"Night night baby, I love you..."

A/N: This one was requested, I'm actually very proud of it, I think this one came out really well ^^

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