Tete - I'm baby

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"Taehyung-ah, sweetheart it's ok, daddy's here..." Jimin murmured, trying to comfort his crying boyfriend.

He had come home from work, hysterical for reasons Jimin didn't yet know, and had practically run into Jimins arms.

Jimin was currently sat on the sofa, with the sobbing boy in his arms, and he knew he had slipped at some point because he started to suck his thumb.

Jimin would get him a paci later he thought, but for now he wanted to comfort the poor baby.

"Baby, stop crying prince, it's ok hmm? Daddy's got you..." he mumbled, stroking his hair softly.

When his crying was reduced to sniffles, Jimin pulled back to look at him, cupping his face softly.

Taehyung was obviously very sensitive today, and as soon as he made eye contact with his Daddy his lip wobbled.

And he promptly burst into tears again.

"D-addyyy" he wailed, holding his arms out as Jimin hugged him once again, a small smile on his face as he was endeared by how the younger was acting, he was so cute.

"I'm here my sweet prince, why don't we get you into something more comfortable hmm?" He spoke more to himself as he lifted Tae up, taking him up to the bedroom to change his clothes so they could cuddle.

"Here we go my lovely..." Jimin spoke softly as he picked out a pair of his own sweats and a hoodie, taking them over to were his baby was laying on the bed, chewing on his thumb.

"Arms up sweet thing, Daddy's gonna get you dressed then we can go cuddle hmm?" Tae put his arms up cutely and Jimin took his shirt off, putting the soft pink hoodie on.

He let Tae put the sweats on himself, before he reached out grabby hands again to be carried.

Jimin chuckled, picking him up and pressing a kiss to his forehead before taking him downstairs to get a snack.

"Here's some animal crackers prince, you want some juice?" Tae nodded, nibbling on his animal crackers as Jimin put some juice in his sippy cup.

"There we go sweetie, let's go pick a movie..." Tae held Jimins hand as they went to sit down on the sofa.

Jimin expected Tae to curl up into his side, but instead his baby pulled himself onto his lap, burying his face into Jimins neck as he sighed in content. Jimin grinned, endeared as he wrapped his arms around him.

"m'baby..." Tae mumbled, "hmm?" Jimin replied, not hearing him the first time.

Tae looked up at him with big eyes as Jimin smiled at him, "I'm baby" Tae repeated, before snuggling his face back into his caregivers chest.

Jimin chuckled, rubbing his back softly before remembering something from earlier, reaching out for the box on the table.

"Tae sweetie?" He tapped the little, who looked up at him with a pout.

Jimin pressed a paci to his mouth, making him blush as he took it, suckling on it and burying his face into Jimins neck.

Jimin keened, absolutely smitten with him as he pulled him impossibly close, pressing a kiss to the top of his head as they snuggled together on the sofa.

These were the moments Jimin cherished the most, with his baby.

A/N: This was a request, sorry it took so long, I am no longer taking requests for my soft oneshots book, but you're welcome to request for this one! Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading ^^

Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books! Backup acc: hoseokkphile

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