Tete - Oppa?

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Tae rolled over in bed, not wanting to get up, he felt little, really little, and he didn't want to do anything, just wanting to be cuddled by his oppas.

Oppa, he hadn't told his caregivers this is what he wanted to call them, he thought they would laugh, or tell him it was wrong. (And he wouldn't even get into how much he wanted to be called babygirl...)

"Taehyung-ah, you need to get up, Jin-hyung has breakfast ready" Yoongi announced as he came into the room, sitting down on the bed next to him.

Tae didn't reply, burying his face further into the sheets.

"Taehyungie?" Yoongi began running his hands through his hair gently, making him whine.

"Are you feeling little baby?" Yoongis soft tone of voice made Tae feel even more little, and he nodded, curling in on himself.

"Oh sweetheart, you want to cuddle?" Tae nodded again, and Yoongi fired a quick text into the group chat to tell the boys what was going on before getting into bed with him.

Yoongi opened his arms and Tae snuggled into him, sighing as he was pulled to rest on Yoongis chest, his arms circling him.

"You ok babyboy? You seem awfully quiet" Taes eyes started to fill with tears, he so desperately wanted to tell Yoongi what was wrong.

"N-no babyboy..." he sniffled, looking up at Yoongi with big watery eyes.

Yoongi tilted his head, confused as to what Tae wanted.

Tae snuggled into him with a sob, "oppa..." he began to cry, and Yoongi began to understand.

"...Princess? Don't cry honey..." Yoongi tried out a different petname for Tae, and it appeared to work as his sobs began to subside.

"Oh sweetheart, you can tell us anything you know? We'll call you whatever you want" he stroked Tae's cheek lovingly.

Tae gave Yoongi a small smile, "is ok? M'not weird?" He mumbled.

Yoongi shook his head, "why would it be weird? You can be whatever you want sweetheart" Yoongi pressed a kiss to his forehead, eyeing Jin who had been listening in the doorway that whole time.

Yoongi nodded at Jin and he left as Yoongi sat Tae up, wanting to get him dressed.

"You wanna choose an outfit baby?" Tae nodded, moving over to his drawer of little clothes and thumbing a pink frilly tutu he had for dressing up.

He gazed up at Yoongi who smiled, pulling the tutu out along with a cute crop top and a diaper.

"Great choice Tete! Let's get you dressed now hmm? Lay down for me sweet girl" Tae giggled, running to the bed and laying himself down.

Yoongi stripped Tae of his pyjamas, putting him back into his fluffy white diapers.

He had the biggest, thickest diapers to look cute.

The tutu was then pulled on, not hiding his diaper at all, along with the cute crop top he was ready to see his other caregivers.

Yoongi finished by pressing a pink paci into his mouth, and letting Tae run out of the room to find his other Oppas.

"Jinnie Oppa!" Tae greeted Jin with a big smile, Jin grinning back as he picked Tae up and span him around.

"There's my precious girl, look at your tutu! So cute..." Tae nuzzled into Jins neck happily as Jin eyeballed the other members sat at the table, making sure they understood what was going on.

He saw Yoongi whispering to poor Namjoon who still didn't understand what was going on.

After Namjoon nodded Jin put Tae down, letting him run to Jimin as he went to get their breakfast.

Looks like they were going to have a very bubbly little girl on their hands.

A/N: Another cute littlespace imagine! I feel like there aren't enough of these out there, I hope they're good!

Enjoy, don't forget to follow me and check out my other books!

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