Hobi - Little Secrets

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Hoseok had a little secret.

He knew his members would never judge him, and would always love him no matter what.

But some things he just couldn't share with them. Being a little was one of those things.

He had been engaging in little space for a couple of months now, and was sure this was something he wanted to do regularly, not full time, but regularly.

He just... didn't know how to tell the people he loved that he wanted them to baby him and look after him.

For months now he had kept his little space secret, only slipping locked in his studio where he was certain he wouldn't be disturbed.

But he had a longing to be cared for while little, especially by Jimin, who was little Hobis absolute favourite person.

Hoseok just couldn't pluck up the courage to tell them, but it wouldn't matter anyway when one day Jimin caught him in his studio, playing with a stuffie with a paci in his mouth.

Hoseok had forgotten to lock the door in his excitement to be little and watch a show while playing with toys, but now he was filled with horror.

His big eyes just stared up at Jimin, both of them frozen as Jimin stared back, not knowing what to do.

Jimin roughly new what little space was, he had once been interested in it and realised it wasn't for him, but now he had a little on his hands who looked like he was about to cry.

Hobi stared back at him, eyes beginning to water as he kept sucking on his paci.

He began to cry, it shocked Jimin out of his trance and he knelt down next to the baby, keeping his facial expression soft as he spoke.

"Hobi baby? Can you look at me sweetheart?" He said gently, Hobi was still crying, taking rapid breaths as he had dropped his paci, looking up at Jimin.

"Good boy, can you tell me how old you are baby?" Jimin asked with a smile.

Hobi looked down at his fingers, thinking for a minute and moving them quietly before eventually deciding on 2 fingers, holding them up with a sad look on his face.

Jimin smiled encouragingly, "ok my love good job, Minnie's gonna look after you ok? We're gonna go home, get some food, and have a nap, does that sound good?" Hobi nodded, and made grabby hands indicating he wanted to be picked up.

Jimin picked up the paci, popping it back in the baby's mouth, before taking Hobi in his arms, letting his legs wrap around his waist.

Hobi smiled at him around his paci, poking his cheek clumsily, and Jimin beamed, "god you're so adorable..." he mumbled, they were going to be just fine.

A/N: Hobi is back in 9 months!!!!! So here's little Hobi while we wait :) Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books! I will also soon be debuting my second soft Oneshots book, so make sure you follow me so you know when that comes out! Thanks for reading ^^ Backup account: hoseokkphile

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