Yoonie - Soft, Sweet

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Soft, Yoonies blanket is soft.

Yoonie likes soft things, he likes the soft voices his dada makes when he reads him a story.

He likes the softness of his favourite stuffed kitty.

He likes ths softness of his pink footie onesie.

And he especially likes the softness of his favourite mang blanket.

Today was a soft day for Yoonie.

That means quiet playtime with his stuffies, quiet music and lots of naps.

But most importantly, Yoonie has lots of cuddles with his caregivers.

Yoonie LOVES his caregivers.

He always made sure that one of them could see him when he was playing with his toys.

Yoonie was currently playing with his fluffy foam blocks, covered in his mang blanket with a stuffy under his arm.

Jimin was watching him fondly, making sure his sippy full of juice was nearby in case he wanted a drink.

There was some lo-fi music playing quietly on the TV for some background noise, but other than that the house was quiet for the baby.

Namjoon and Jin made their way into the living room, coffee in their hands as Jin handed Jimin his mug.

They all sat down quietly, content to watch their baby for entertainment.

Little Yoonie got bored with his blocks after a while, deciding to crawl over to Jin, sitting in front of him and staring up at him.

His paci bobbed in his mouth as his big eyes looked up at his Jinnie-hyung, deciding what to do next.

Jin looked down at him fondly, putting his hot coffee out of the way on the table as he waited for the baby to do something.

Yoonie put his arms up cutely, and Jin was absolutely smitten as he picked his baby up and let him straddle his lap.

God he is just adorable, they were all smiling at him as he snuggled into his hyungie with a little sigh.

Jimin clutched his chest and Namjoon chuckled at him fondly as he wrapped the baby's favourite mang blanket around his shoulders.

"Jinnie 'ungie..." the baby mumbled into Jins chest as he snuggled against him, and Jin wrapped his arms around him tightly, cuddling him to his chest and kissing the top of his head.

When Yoongi told them he was little, he didn't slip for weeks, afraid of what they would think.

But when he finally did slip (all the stress build up in a long dance practice did NOT go over well), the members couldn't believe how soft and sweet he was.

He was so trusting of them to look after him in such a vulnerable state.

And he was such a joy to them.

One day, when Namjoon got home late from the studio after struggling with a track for ages.

Baby Yoonie was there, smiling at him through his paci.

Namjoon picked him up, and Yoonie snuggled into him, with a small "Joonie home..." and Namjoon was GONE.

Their baby made all their days brighter, although Yoongi didn't understand why they asked him to be little so often, he didn't remember what happened in little space.

But the members knew, and they adored him.

A/N: Finally updated this book who Tf am I. My new phone is really weird, I just went from a Samsung Galaxy A51 to an iPhone 11 Pro Max and I've always had android phones so this is very new for me obviously. The writing is weird on this thing but I'm trying to get used to it haha, anyway ENJOY!

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