Yoonie - Attention

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"You've got to tell daddy what you want sweetheart, I'm not a mind reader" Hoseok told baby Yoongi as he huffed, pouting even harder and stomping his foot cutely.

His daddies knew what he wanted, he wanted cuddles, but they were being mean!

The older members were quite enjoying seeing their pouty baby so frustrated, unable to voice what he wanted because he was so shy.

His pudgy diaper visible under his cat onesie, it jumped slightly when he stomped his foot and it made Jimin giggle.

"But- but seokie! Daddys know Yoonie too shy..." he pouted, and Hoseok had to hold back a smile as he tapped Yoonie on his nose, "Even so, use your words babyboy" he stood his ground.

Yoonie stomped his feet, before smushing onto his play mat by himself.

He so desperately wanted to sit with his daddy though...

Hoseok sat smugly, as did the other members, they knew he would break pretty soon.

And sure enough, baby Yoonie got himself up, toddling over to his seokie and gazing up at him with his big eyes.

"S-seokie, can Yoonie has cuddles?" He mumbled, fiddling with his fingers.

Hoseok found him too cute, and picked him up, hand under his diaper as he placed him onto his lap, Yoonie snuggling in happily.

The other members cooed, Namjoon leaning over to press a paci into Yoonies mouth.

They all cooed yet again as they heard the soft suckling sounds of their baby sucking on his paci.

He fell asleep on Hoseok's shoulder, and the older boy let Yoonie sleep with him that night, leaving his crib empty.

Yoonie prefered to snuggle with his Daddy anyway.

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