Hobi - I'm scared hyungie...

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Hobi woke up with a start, bottom lip trembling as he heard the thunder and lightning outside the window.

"H-hyungie..." he whimpered, beginning to cry, he felt something between his legs and looked down to see he had wet himself.

He began to cry harder, shaking and reaching around blindly for his paci.

He didn't even hear his Yoongi-hyungie knock on the door.

"Babyboy? Oh sweetheart..." Hobi reached out for his hyungie with a sob.

Yoongi scooped up his baby, cooing when he felt he was wet, "don't worry baby, hyungie will sort you out..." he mumbled, turning to see Jimin stumbling down the corridor.

"What's going on hyung? I heard Hobi crying" Jimin peeked into the room, wrinkling his nose at the smell.

"Ah Jiminie, can you put hobis bedsheets in the wash? I'll let him sleep with me, my baby's scared..." he mumbled, kissing Hobis cheeks softly to calm his sobs.

Jimin nodded, kissing Hobi's forehead, "you're such a softie Yoongi" Jimin observed, grinning when Yoongi gummy smiled shyly, his eyes not leaving his baby.

Jimin watched as Yoongi took Hobi away to get cleaned up, before stripping the sheets.

Yoongi took Hobi into the bathroom, taking out their changing mat and laying him down on it.

Hobi was only sniffling now, his fingers lodged in his mouth to soothe himself.

Yoongi stripped him, and wiped him down, tickling his pudgy tummy to make him giggle.

Yoongi decided to put him into a diaper, just in case he wet himself again.

He slipped a soft onesie onto him, and picked him up, taking him back to his room to sleep with him so he wasn't alone.

He allowed Hobi to curl into his side, grabbing a spare paci and slipping it into his mouth, receiving a greatful smile that made him melt.

"There we go sweetheart, nice and clean hmm? Go to sleep baby..." he mumbled, rubbing his back and listening to the soft suckling of the paci as he fell asleep.

Yoongi soon fell asleep next to him, and lets say he wasn't too happy when he woke up to Jin laughing and taking pictures of Yoongi, with Hobi pressing his paci into Yoongis mouth.

But he could never be mad at his baby, and just kissed his lips, making him blush as he gave Hobi back his paci back, before going to whine at Jin.

Oh well, at least his baby was happy, and when he looked back to see little Hobi dozing peacefully with his paci going in and out, he decided it was worth it.

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