Yoonie - Struggling to slip

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"Yoongi baby its ok to slip, you need it..." Jin comforted his younger member, who was currently struggling with his headspace.

Jin was rocking him gently on his lap, trying to soothe his baby, although it wasn't really working.

Namjoon was sat nearby, waiting to assist if Yoongi wanted anything.

"Now about Namjoon brings your paci hmm? Help you calm down?" Jin asked almost rhetorically, Namjoon shooting up at the request to fetch Yoongis favourite paci.

He was speaking softly to Yoongi, trying to help coax him into a younger headspace, but so far it wasn't very successful.

Namjoon came back with Yoonies favourite paci, a soft blue one, and handed it to Jin.

Jin offered it to Yoongi, but Yoongi looked away, pouting and seeminly very grumpy.

Jin hummed, "C'mon Yoongi baby, Daddy wants to give you your paci hmm? Then we can have cuddles, how does that sound baby?" Yoongi blushed, starting to slip properly and give in to his daddy.

"Sweetheart? My baby boy?" Jin teased, and Yoongi finally gave in.

He whined, pouting up at his daddy, "daddy! 'o teasin'!" He babbled, and Jin smiled, showing Yoonie his paci which the baby gladly took into his mouth.

Namjoon smiled from where he was sat on the bed, Yoongi was really cute, and it was clear Jin was head over heels for their baby.

"Cuddles?" Yoonie batted his big eyes at Jin, and of course he could never say no to him.

"Yes baby, cuddles, go grab your stuffie and Daddy will get the bed ready ok?" Yoonie nodded and toddled off to find his favourite plushie.

Jin turned to the bed where Namjoon was sat and saw Namjoon smiling at him, "you're so whipped for our baby" he teased.

Jin blushed, shrugging as Namjoon got up, heading over to his hyung and holding him loosely by the waist.

"You're cute, I'll leave you to cuddle with Yoonie, I have to help Hoseok with a track he's stuck on, It's called Equal sign or something" and with that Namjoon left a kiss on Jins cheek, before leaving.

He blew a kiss to Yoonie, who giggled, waving before he went back to Jin with his stuffy.

"Gots my stuffie daddy! Why daddy face red?" the little looked puzzled as Jin shook his head, picking his baby up.

"Don't worry prince, daddy is just hot, lets cuddle hmm? You can pick a movie for us to watch" Jin successfully distracted Yoonie who excitedly began choosing a film.

Jin laid down on the bed, and his Yoonie baby laid by his side, his head on Jins chest and paci bobbing away in his mouth.

Jin pressed play on the movie as Yoonie snuggled down, seeming entranced by the movie.

Jin smiled at him softly at him, he was so cute.

Yoongi deserved this, to be looked after and babied and cuddled.

Yoongi loved affection, although he was shy, and baby Yoongi was even more clingy, needing care basically 24/7.

But bangtan loved that about him, they adored their Yoongi.

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