Y/N - Pretty baby, pretty daddies

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You giggled, dragging your dress-up box into the living room where all the members were, not missing the feigned smiles the members let out.

"Daddies play dress-up?" You asked excitedly, holding a pair of fairy wings out to Jimin.

He looked at the other members, who smirked, before taking the wings from you and putting them on.

The members tried to hold back laughs as you placed yourself on his lap in your princess dress, his hands coming to hold your waist as you began to do his makeup.

Pink eyeshadow, pink lipstick, blush, which you didn't really need as Jimin was already blushing profusely.

When you finished you turned round, looking at the members expectantly to see their reactions.

"Wow!" they all gasped dramatically, you giggled.

You looked back at Jimin and he smiled at you, "daddy pretty! Now is namu turn!" You continued to make your way around the group, giving them various things to wear and doing their makeup.

At the end of the ordeal the members were all severely embarrassed, looking around at eachother and laughing, but they couldn't fault the beaming smile on your face.

"Daddies like pretty makeup?" You asked with your big doe eyes.

Hoseok picked you up, bouncing you on his knee, "of course baby, but Daddies think our special little baby is the prettiest!" You squealed happily, hugging your daddy tight and resting your head on his shoulder.

"I think somebody's ready for a nap hmm?" He rubbed your back gently, you whined, but you didn't protest as your wet diaper was changed and you were put into a fuzzy onesie.

Daddy Hobi rubbed your tummy as you fell asleep in your crib, content.

A/N: I know it's a bit short but I think it's cute, enjoy!

Please follow and look at my other books! ^^

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