Y/N - Can't slip

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Y/N was at her wits end, she hadn't been able to slip in weeks and her boyfriends had no idea how stressed out she was.

They thought she had been slipping on her own, not wanting them there.

But really she just hadn't slipped at all.

She was sat on the sofa now, watching some random show and trying not to cry because Namjoon was in the room.

But Namjoon was watching, and as always he knew something was wrong.

He stood up, coming over and sitting next to you.

"Baby... are you ok?" He spoke softly, and it immediatley brought you to tears.

You had missed that, how softly he would talk to you.

Namjoon immediatley pulled you onto his lap, pulling your face to rest in the crook of his neck, wrapping an arm around you tightly.

"You haven't been slipping at all have you?" He asked, tone still gentle.

You shook your head, still sobbing into him.

He patted your back gently, and took you upstairs to get you into something more comfortable.

It was obvious that not slipping has built up so much stress that when you tried to force it, you just couldn't slip.

So it was just a never ending cycle of misery.

Poor thing.

He took you into his room, pulling out some of his own comfy clothes for you to wear.

He decided you would sleep with him tonight, to make you feel loved and safe.

He handed you the clothes and you put them on, too emotionallly exahusted to disobey.

He smiled at you, and you felt something warm inside your chest.

He lay down on his bed, opening his arms to which you jumped onto the bed and nestled into.

You sighed, feeling smaller at last as you attempted to snuggle even further into him, seeking his comfort.

Namjoon chuckled, endeared.

He thought you were so freaking adorable when you were little, just wanting all the cuddles in the world from them.

"Did you slip sweetheart?" He stroked your back gently as a movie played quietly in the background.

You didn't answer, whining slightly as you took a deep breath, just inhaling his scent and feeling super calm.

"That's ok baby, you just relax, Joonie will take care of everything hmm?" He held you tight as you felt into a light sleep.

A little while later, Jimin made his way into the room, beaming when he saw you sprawled across Namjoons chest, your face buried in his neck as he rubbed your back gently.

"Is she asleep?" Namjoon nodded, and Jimin visibly uwued as he wondered over to the bed, sitting next to him and looking at your cute puffy face where it was squished against him.

"God she's just adorable, can't wait to squish those cheekies!" He tried to be excited as quiet as possible so as not to disturb you.

You snuggled against Namjoon again, turning over to rest on your other cheek, seeing Namjoon smile at you made you blush.

You covered your face with the corner of the blanket as your two caregivers chuckled above you.

You knew that whenever you had trouble slipping, they would be there to help you, because they love you.

A/N: I wrote this imagine for a very special friend of mine who sometimes has trouble slipping, and I hope it helps them <3
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