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Regina woke up the next morning,  stretched as wide as her arms allowed and let them drop onto the extremely large bed. She smiled as she sat up, looking around the unnecessarily big room. The door then knocked, just as it does every morning at 8am.

"Come in" Regina said, not bothering to check who it was.

"Good morning, Miss Mills" Bernadette said with a polite smile, stepping into the room. Regina just curled half her lip for a brief second; she never greeted her employees. "I have found someone who will be your fake wife"

"You have? That's brilliant, thank God! How did you do it" Regina asked with a sigh of relief, falling backwards with a large smile.

"I put an ad out on Craig's list and-"

"You did what" Regina cut in, sitting up in pure shock at the woman.

"I put an ad out and so many people were interested" Bernadette nervously said, fearing she was in trouble even though she done her job correctly.

"Yeah, I bet they were. A lot of weirdos that I could never have looking presentable enough for my parents" Regina huffed, already glaring into her assistants eyes.

"That's why I did a background check on everyone and I have found one that fits the profile perfectly, better than our original girl did. She's the same height as you, blonde, green eyes, recently fired from-" Bernadette began listing, reading off the iPad in her hand.

"Ugh, Bernadette, you have successfully managed to bore me with information I don't need to know" Regina cut in, rolling her eyes at her over explaining assistant. "When is the interview"

"In half an hour, ma'am. It's the only time of day you are free" Bernadette replied in a nervous voice, knowing there's a reason she's free.

"You really are an idiot, aren't you? How do you expect me to get showered and dressed in half an hour" Regina asked in a huff, frowning at the woman she found incompetent.

"I'm sorry, madam, but you are scheduled for brunch with the ladies at 9 and you said you'd be out all day. I couldn't fit it anywhere but here"

"Whatever, get out so I can get ready"

With that said, Bernadette hurried out the room, never wanting to be there after being dismissed. Regina sighed as she climbed out of bed, heading straight for the bathroom. She pushed play on her speaker before stripping down, jumping into her shower big enough to hold three people. She sang and washed her body, avoiding her hair as it was being done later that day. Once done, she left the room in a short towel that just about covered her body. A maid was making her bed, not expecting the brunette to be so quick in the shower.

"Oh, sorry, ma'am, I will leave you alone to get dressed" the maid quickly said, giving a curtsy as she saw her enter the room.

"Don't be silly, carry on" Regina said with a chuckle, walking towards the door leading into her wardrobe. She walked inside and straight to the suits section, her eyes scanning for one. "You, whatever your name is, get in here" Regina called out, referring to the maid in her room.

"Yes, ma'am" the maid asked, giving another curtsy out of respect.

"Shall I wear a dark blue or light blue shirt today? I'm wearing black pants" Regina asked, not looking behind to see the woman.

"Light blue, ma'am. It's a sunny day, after all" the maid replied with a respectable nod, hoping she picked right.

"Indeed, thank you" Regina simply said, hanging the darker shirt back up. The maid left without another word, knowing wise to do so. Regina quickly changed into her suit pants and blue shirt, looking over the outfit in the mirror. The door to her bedroom then knocked. "What"

"She's here, ma'am" Bernadette quickly replied, not daring to enter the room.

"Send her to my office, I'll be there in five" Regina instructed, still examining her outfit choice.

"Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am" Bernadette said in a polite tone, knowing to always use the woman's title.

Regina brushed her already straight hair out and left it as it was, knowing she didn't have time to do it properly; this 'mistake' would be taken from Bernadette's pay. She headed out of her bedroom and straight for the stairs, always making a point to use them instead of the elevator. She headed down them to the ground floor. Regina strutted down the halls and towards her office, arriving almost exactly five minutes prior to saying it. She walked in quickly and kicked the door shut, catching the woman's attention.

"Hello, hello, sorry I'm late but my assistant booked you at a ridiculous time for me" Regina hurried her words, walking to the desk without look at the woman.

"Oh no" the woman whispered, looking a little shocked at the brunette stood in front of her.

"What did you mumble, dea-" Regina started, soon fading off as she looked to see who it was. It was no other than Emma Swan. Regina frowned a little at the sight, knowing she recognized the woman. "Don't I know you from somewhere"

"It was yesterday, you had me fired" Emma said with a huff, not happy to be seeing her again.

"Oh, yes, the girl who laughed at me when I commented on my weight. We may as well end this interview now and call it a fail" Regina said with a smirk, slowly sitting on her desk chair.

"I didn't laugh because of your-"

"I'm uninterested in what you are saying, Miss-"

"No, you are going to listen because it cost me my job" Emma cut in, annoyed the brunette had just interrupted her.

"Excuse me" Regina asked in shock, never having someone stand up to her before.

"I thought you had the hottest body I'd ever seen, I was trying so hard to not be caught staring at it. When you were just stood in that mirror, trying to find something bad about it, I couldn't help but laugh in shock at the fact you don't see what I did" Emma said in an almost huff all the way through, making sure her annoyance came through. "I wasn't disrespecting you. For you to think such a thing makes me wonder why you are so insecure"

Regina just looked at the snappy blonde, thinking about what she said. Of course she was insecure but she'd never admit that to anyone, let alone Emma. Regina just examined her, wondering where the courage came. Emma was a little worried now, knowing a woman like this could ruin her life. Regina just smirked at the blonde, looking into her eyes to help intimate some power back.

"You know, Miss Swan, no one has the courage to stand up to me" Regina started, leaning back in her desk chair. "I admire confidence in women but not when they are brave enough to challenge me. So, I'm going to give you a chance at this interview, mostly because I'm desperate, but also because I feel you earned a chance at least"

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