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Regina listened to the footsteps of Emma walking away, trying so hard not to look at her. Eventually, her temptation became too strong and she turned her head in the blonde's direction. She could see as Emma slowly walked across the pier, wiping her own tears from her face. Seeing the woman like that was enough to lift Regina from the floor and send her running down the pier.

"Emma!" Regina shouted, in desperate hope to halt the blonde's steps. Emma stopped to look over her shoulder, taken back to see Regina running towards her. "Wait!"

"Gina" Emma whispered, shock keeping her tone quiet.

She managed to turn just in time to catch the brunette in her arms. Their lips collided in perfect unison. All their love, all their passion, powered this kiss like it never had before. The fear of losing the other was enough to create such a desire. Their tongues danced beautifully together. Their hands clung to the other's body. The only thing big enough to break the kiss was the built up sob that finally came from Regina. Her lips broke away to let it out, creating a sound more painful than anything Emma had ever heard. Their heads remained resting against each other's.

"I need you" Regina mumbled out, the cracks making her words hard to hear. These words only set Emma into a worse state than she already was. "I love you"

"I love you so much" Emma replied, sniffling to help control herself again. It took a few deep breaths to bring her back to a voice that was actually understandable. The words she wanted to say felt almost impossible to let out; almost. "But it isn't enough"

"It is, it has to be! Please, you can't give up on us" Regina begged, her hands moving to hold the blonde's tear soaked face.


"You can't give up on me"

"I'm not" Emma cut in, moving back the tiniest bit to look into the brown set of eyes. "I'm just so tired... I'm tired and I'm in pain"

"I don't mean to cause you any pain, you know that" Regina quickly said, letting out a bundle more of tears.

"I do know that" Emma reassured, capturing the brunette's cheeks in her hands. "That's the only reason we made it this far. I know you don't mean any of it but the hard truth is... If we continue, we will destroy each other"

"Don't say that"

"You know I'm right"

Despite how hard it was, Regina knew too well how true those words were. She couldn't figure out an argument to that. Instead, her tears at a greater speed. Her head dropped onto the blonde's shoulder, hiding any amount of vulnerability she could. Emma just held her as close as possible, wanting to savour every ounce of the woman. Her body shook violently due to fighting her sobs, wanting to keep some control over herself. Soon enough, she gave up and just let it all out. The pair just held on tight and cried in each other's arms, fully aware this would be their final encounter.

"I love you so much, my darling" Regina whispered, somehow squeezing herself closer.

"I will always love you, no matter what" Emma whispered back, bringing her head closer to the brunettes.

"Then marry me right now" Regina quietly said, almost unable to be heard.

"What" Emma asked; not because she couldn't hear, but because she was in shock.

"Marry me now. Right here, right now" Regina replied, finally lifting her watery eyes to see the green pair.

"Gina, I-"

"I, Regina Mills, take the Emma Swan to be my lawfully wedded wife" Regina cut in, moving to rest their foreheads together.

"Regina, don't" Emma quietly begged, her eyes stinging with built up tears.

"I don't know the rest but I do. I take you, please take me" Regina continued, the fear lighting up in her tone.


"Say I do"


"No, please"

"Listen to me" Emma raised her voice enough to be heard above the brunettes. She moved her head back, held the woman's face and looked directing into her dark eyes. "You know I'm right"

"But I don't want you to be" Regina quietly mumbled, sniffling to hide her cracked voice.

"I don't want to be either" Emma painfully whispered, finally breaking their eye contact.

They both fell back into each other's grip.this time they didn't bother fighting any cries or tears; they just let every emotion out. It was hard to tell who's sob was who's. Each were muffled by the other's shoulder. They stayed like that for ages. Calming down and starting back up again, over and over again. Until, finally, Regina moved away to see the woman's face. They just looked at each other, tears being the prime factor on each face. Regina hand gently brushed against Emma's cheek, choosing to linger there.

"Will you kiss me one last time" Regina asked, her voice so quiet and soft.

Without hesitation, Emma connected their lips. Both kisses like it was their first; or their last. This was the best and worst kiss they'd ever shared. The desire for one another was amazingly powerful but the knowledge of ending was painfully crushing. Alas, they kissed for as long as they could, not even breaking for air. Emma could feel all her pain bubbling up to the surface, becoming hurt by the final kiss. She broke from Regina's lips, turned around and took off running towards the car that brought her here.

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