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The end of the week came, meaning it was Saturday. A family friend, Javier, was hosting a big party tonight and Regina's parents were insisting they all went. For years, they had tried to set Regina up with Javier, especially Isabella. Emma and Regina were finishing getting dressed, Bernadette reading the brunettes agenda.

"So you will be leaving here in half an hour, getting you there fashionably late as requested" Bernadette said, merely glancing up from her iPad.

"And you have an excuse to get us out" Regina asked, glancing round as she lifted her dress onto her shoulders.

"Yes, you are scheduled to stay an hour before I get you out. Do you want your parents to come with you?" Bernadette questioned, almost certain of the answer.

"Absolutely not, leave them at the party" Regina quickly said, snapping her head up in shock. "Right, you can leave now"

"Yes, ma'am"

With that, Bernadette left the room. Regina adjusted the dress before moving to the zip, reaching to pull it up. She huffed when she realized she couldn't reach it. The brunette headed towards her bedroom, remembering Emma was in there.

"Emma! I need you to zip me with my-" Regina started, instantly stopping at the sight of the blonde.

Emma was in a royal blue dress that hugged her body, hitting the floor. Her hair was wavy and her makeup was done to perfection. Regina hadn't seen her look like this ever, taken back by such a sight. Emma glanced over her shoulder as she heard the brunette, noticing her staring.

"You like" Emma asked, nervously gesturing to the outfit in case it's wrong.

"I guess it's ok" Regina shrugged, shaking off her stare in the process. She didn't want any emotions to be seen, choosing to mask them and look away. "Can you zip my dress"

Emma just nodded as she walked over, growing worried her outfit wasn't correct. Regina turned around and held the dress in place, waiting for the blonde to hurry. Emma looked down at the zip, seeing it was just below the brunettes laced thong. She couldn't help but stare for a few seconds before starting. Her head looked away as she did, feeling wrong for looking. As she zipped, her hand brushed all the way up Regina's spin. The brunette froze at the feeling, unsure why it was such a nice one.

"There you go, all done" Emma quickly said, stepping back to check it was okay. As Regina turned around, she finally took in the sight of the dress. It was a long black dress that also hugged all her curves. The sleeves and upper half of the dress were laced, just about covering her breasts from being seen. Emma was actually shocked at how good it looked, unsure why as the brunette always looked good. "That dress... You look-"

"I know" Regina smirked, heading back towards her dressing room. She stopped in the doorway and glanced over her shoulder, making it obvious she was checking the blonde out. "You look good too"

With that, Regina disappeared into her wardrobe. Emma was taken back by the compliment, having expected an insult. She just decided to shrug it off and put her shoes on, dreading that they are heels. Emma tried her hardest to stand up but kept wobbling, unable to walk in heels. She then heard a giggle from behind her. The blonde snapped her head round to see Regina, laughing at the failed attempts.

"Any chance I can wear flats" Emma awkwardly asked, dropping back down onto the bed.

"Are you trying to kill me? Absolutely not, you can't wear flats with that dress" Regina quickly replied, looking astounded at such a request. She walked over to the blonde, grabbed her hand and yanked her to her feet. Emma stumbled a little but the brunette helped keep her on her feet. "See, you have to just stand quickly"

"Now, how do you expect me to walk" Emma asked, knowing she can't speed around all night.

"Gracefully" Regina asked, taking a step backwards in her much larger heels. She kept hold of Emma's hand and encouraged her to walk; she just stayed there. "You can trust me to keep you up"

"You think I will trust you in anything" Emma snickered, knowing it was obvious she didn't trust the woman.

"I think I'm paying you a lot of money to keep up this act so walk" Regina sternly demanded, showing she wasn't to be tested. Emma sighed as she stepped forward, shaking a little. "Good, and again"

The pair walked a few steps until Emma finally stopped wobbling. Regina had been taught to walk in heels since she was very young, able to easily walk backwards without fail. Soon enough, she let go of the blondes hand and made her walk alone. She remained their for support in case the woman fell; luckily, she didn't. Emma smiled as she finally got the hang of it.

"I did it" Emma excitedly said, glancing up at the brunette.

"Congrats, let's go" Regina bluntly said, giving a fake smile as she left.

"You know, every time I think I might be able to at least like you, you do something to fuck that up" Emma sighed, rolling her eyes at the rudeness.

"And why exactly would you think that I want you to like me? I don't need anyone like me; I don't need people, especially you" Regina sternly said, turning round to look at the woman.

"One day, you are going to wake up and realize you pushed everyone so far away that they don't want anything to do with you. You are going to get so desperate that you will crawl back to someone and they will shun you away, giving you the respect you gave them. Your life is going to be a very lonely one when you finally realize you need people" Emma angrily but calmly said, letting out the hard truth.

Regina frowned her brows and widened her nostrils, growing more and more frustrated. She raised her hand and slapped it across the blondes cheek, letting her anger turn into force. Emma's head snapped to the side at the strike, feeling the sting instantly.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! I will live my life as I please and I do NOT NEED ANYONE! When this is over, I don't want anything to do with you. Hate me if you want, I don't care. The first chance I get, you are gone and you can take whoever you want with you, I don't need anyone. I was raised by cruel and nasty people who taught me that I can only survive alone and that is exactly what I am doing" Regina angrily snapped, getting closer to the woman to scare her.

Emma just looked down at her, taken back by such an outburst. That is when she truly realized just how badly Arnold and Isabella were at raising Regina, how they manipulated her to believe what she just said. The blonde felt bad for setting her off, aware she pushed the Regina too far.

"I'm sorry-"

"I don't want your fucking apology! Let's go"

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