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Regina was just looking at Emma, trying to get a sense of who she was. The blonde just waited impatiently for the interview to start, not sure why she was given this chance. Emma had no idea that this was the same woman who got her fired, she knew she had to stick up for herself to earn even the tiniest piece of respect from Regina.

"Has it started or what" Emma asked, growing bored of waiting so long for the brunette to speak.

Regina just stayed quiet, still looking at the blonde. She could see the lack of interest in the blonde now, watching as she grew more tedious. Regina then leaned over to the side of her desk and pushed a button on the speaker.

"Bernadette, get in here now" Regina command, her stern voice to activate the woman. Within seconds, the door knocked. "Come in"

"How may I assist you, ma'am" Bernadette quickly said, hurrying over to the middle of the room.

"Take notes" Regina simply said, not taking her eyes off the blonde.

"Of course" Bernadette quickly replied, nodding her head as she took a pad out.

Regina then stood up and walked around her desk, moving to stand behind Emma's chair. Before the blonde could even look over her shoulder, Regina held them and ran her fingers side to side.

"Nice shoulders, not too wide" Regina said with a small glance, moving her hands to the left side of the blondes body. She lifted up her arm and ran her finger tip across it, feeling the small muscle that layed without tension. "Strong, I see. Stand up"


"What part of that did you not understand" Regina huffed, grabbing the back of the woman's top and helping to lift her up. Emma just huffed and moved out the woman's grip, standing up fully now. "Not too tall which is good but hideous clothing taste so we would need to buy a full wardrobe for her"

"Oi, my clothes aren't that bad" Emma quickly said, looking offended at the brunettes comment.

"It's really cute you think that but you're utterly wrong. Now, give me a spin but slow" Regina laughed, her eyes running up and down the blondes simple outfit. Emma sighed and slowly turned around in a circle, allowing the brunette to look at her. "Long hair, nice body and good legs. Though the walk is too slumped, we'd need to fix that" Regina commented, knowing her assistant is writing it all down. "Remind me of your name"

"Emma Swan"

"I like it, you can keep it" Regina said with a tiny smile, actually liking the name.

"Oh, thanks, I guess" Emma sarcastically replied, rolling her eyes at the brunettes behaviour.

"Tell me, do you have any qualifications that say you can act" Regina asked, knowing that's what the ad was meant to request.

"Yes, I have an A in drama at school and studied it for three years at college" Emma replied with a small brag, knowing she always wanted to be an actor.

"Did you bring a sheet of paper with your previous job salary" Regina asked, holding her hand out impatiently.

"Yes, here" Emma quickly replied, pulling it out her pocket and placing it into the brunettes hand.

"Right, let's have a look" Regina said, turning the paper over to see. She frowned at such a little number, confused by it. "I asked for yearly, not monthly"

"That is yearly" Emma mumbled back, rather ashamed how small the number actually was.

"Seriously? And you're not missing a few zeros" Regina asked in shock, unable to believe that was a salary.

"Nope, that is how much I was being paid at the job you so easily had me fired from" Emma replied in a slight huff, still angry about that.

"I'd say you being fired is rather lucky then. You do a perfect job and I'll add four zeros onto this" Regina said with a smile, handing the piece of paper to Bernadette.

"Holy fuck, are you kidding" Emma asked with a laugh of shock, her breath no longer entering her body.

"No, Miss Swan, I'm not. You must do a perfect job to get the four zeros, otherwise I will take one off for something wrong, ok" Regina sternly replied, knowing she can afford to give the blonde even more money if she wanted to. "Well, Bernadette, her body fits the part and supposedly she can act. It's going to take a lot of teaching over the next three days to turn this into something acceptable enough to present to my parents... But I'm desperate and running out of ideas, hire her"

"Right away, ma'am" Bernadette politely said, already knowing this is a bad idea.

"Take her measurements and sizing for clothes and have them sent off to my designer, we need a wardrobe big enough for 2 months. Have my car outside for me in 5 minutes, not a minute later. Then give Swan a time to come tomorrow so I can teach her how to act like she fits in around here. I also need the chef's menu plan for the night they arrive so I can have my father approve it, we both remember how he hit the roof last time" Regina quickly said, expecting the assistant to get it all down on her paper.

"Anything else, ma'am" Bernadette asked, scribbling at her page to remember it all.

"No, that's it. You can get out now and take this with you" Regina demanded, gesturing to the blonde as she looked away.

"God, a two year old has better manners than you" Emma sighed, finding the brunettes ways and words to be so rude.

"I'm not asking so I don't need manners. Why are you both still here" Regina asked in a huff, knowing they must leave when dismissed.

Bernadette nodded her head and quickly left, hinting for the blonde to follow. Emma just sighed and left the office, knowing she did need this job. Regina went over to her desk and picked up her phone, checking to see if she had a message; she had three from her mother.

Isabella: we shall be arriving a day earlier than expected.

Isabella: I expect you and your partner to be ready by now so a day earlier won't be too bad.

Isabella: we have also been invited to Javier's party on Saturday

Regina just huffed at the messages, knowing exactly what her mother was up to. Javier was the boy her parents always wanted her to end up with but, of course, she was a lesbian and always refuses.

Regina: give up, mother, I'm not marrying Javier. I'm happily married to my wife and there is nothing that would make me want to leave her.

She sighed and looked down, just praying that Emma was a good enough to pull off her lie.

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