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It's been a week. Regina had kicked her parents out and ended the any family tradition involving them coming to her house. She was currently sat at her kitchen island, talking away with Erica.

"And, as I planned, Emma left" Regina finished explaining, letting the whole two months out onto her best friend; well, not all of it. Regina was still a very private person with anyone that wasn't Emma, at this point, and left out most of the details. She let her head drop against the island as she finished her story, sighing in exhaustion at it all. When she felt the blondes eyes on her, she finally glanced back up. "What"

"I've just never seen you so obsessed over someone before and you let her walk away" Erica softly replied, easily able to see the pain through the brunettes barrier.

"I wasn't obsessed over Emma, that's absurd" Regina scoffed, turning her nose up at such a suggestion.

"Maybe you don't notice but you definitely were. I saw the way you looked at her, the way you'd talk about her and how many times you blew off plans to take her for lunch or even just to hang out with her instead. You're crazy for her, you know it as well as I do, you just won't admit it" Erica replied with a small giggle, knowing it was obvious. Regina just stared at the island, aware of how true those words were. She hated being out of control with her own feelings, always able to shut them down whenever she wanted; this time she couldn't. "You really love her, don't you"

"I really do... Is that so crazy" Regina asked, a slight crack in her voice at the thought of Emma.

"No" Erica hurried to reply, pulling the woman's body to look at her. "She is the perfect match that no one would have guessed. Heck, that girl can read you better than anyone; she truly understands you and how to handle you. The crazy part is you being stood here right now"

"What do you mean" Regina asked awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable with the physical contact.

"Go fucking get her"


"What? You clearly love her and she loves you. So, go do something about it" Erica cut in, looking at the brunette likes she's crazy.

"I can't. The whole reason I sent her away was to protect her from my fucked up family" Regina sighed, pulling her body away in order to hide her face.

"You just stood up to them and took all the power they have over you. Regina, you are now in charge and you don't have to worry about all that" Erica insisted, leaning over to see her better. Regina just stayed quiet, processing everything. "Besides, she's already experienced them at their worst and still admitted she loved you"

Regina just stood, overthinking it all. As she came up with a highly unlikely scenario, she smiled at an old memory with Emma. It was when the blonde was on about overthinking every possible and impossible situation as a coping mechanisms. Regina giggled a little at the thought, thinking of only Emma in that moment. That's when she knew she needed the woman more than she ever thought.

"How will I find her" Regina asked, looking up with a small smile to show her answer.

"Fuck yeah!" Erica cheered, so happy her friend was doing this. "Go to her house"

"I don't know where she lives" Regina shyly replied, slightly ashamed by that.

"Then go to the place you met her" Erica chuckled, believing her answers were obvious.

"I got her fired remember" Regina sighed, growing more and more humiliated by all this.

"Yes, but her information will still be on record" Erica replied, smirking widely at her genius. Regina's mouth mirrored her best friends, growing into a huge smile. She bit her lip, grabbed her phone from the counter and took off towards the kitchen door. "Yes, baby, go get your girl"

Regina hurried out the house, not caring Erica was left in there, and hopped into her limo. She told the driver to take her straight to Tiffany's. It wasn't a far ride, giving her enough time to scribble something onto a piece of paper. As the car pulled up, Regina shoved it into her pocket and hopped out, instructing that the driver waited there. She ran into the shop, bursting through the door. All eyes widely stared at her, taken back by the scene.

"Umm, ma'am, are you okay" the owner, Debra, asked, easily recognising the brunette.

"Fine. I need you to tell me the address for a former employee, an Emma Swan" Regina breathlessly asked, trying desperately to hide how unfit she was.

"I'm afraid, Miss Mills, I can't give out personal information like that" Debra awkwardly replied, aware this may end badly.

"I'm not asking. You know the threats I can make and you know the power my family holds. Just give me the address and let me go tell her something really important" Regina warned, her Mills glare burning holes.

"Ma'am, I-" Debra started, feeling her job was now on the line. She knew Regina could shut the whole place down and ruin any future career she had; the brunette had done it before. "Okay, fine. I will grab it now for you"

Regina, obviously, didn't bother to thank the woman and just stood waiting. It didn't take long before she had it and was out the door, straight back into her limo. She handed the address to the drive and ordered him to put his foot down. Her mind was going crazy all the way there, questioning what to say. Even when she was walking up the stairs in Emma's apartment, her mind was running around with so many different things to say.

"I love you"  "I'm sorry"  "come back to me"  "I don't know why I'm here"  "I shouldn't have let you do, please come back"  "I need you"  "I'm sorry for everything, please forgive me"

As she got to the door, she still hadn't made up her mind. She just took a huge deep breath, lifted her hand up and banged on the door. As soon as the loud noise echoed in her ear, she grew fearful of admitting any kind of emotion. She quickly turned around and started walking away; she wasn't quick enough to escape being seen.

"Regina?" Emma questioned, her voice being filled with only shock. The brunette froze in place, her back facing the door. The sound of Emma's voice was something she never knew she missed, let alone craved. As Regina turned back around, Emma grew even more shocked that it was actually her. "What are you... What- what are you doing here"

"I um..."

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