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It had been ten minutes since Regina and Emma arrived. A butler and a lawyer entered the room, catching all their attentions. Arnold, Jaquelyn (Regina's aunt) and Johnathon (Regina's uncle) all stood up at their entrance.

"Can we see her yet" Arnold asked, stepping in front of his siblings.

"My kids aren't here yet" Johnathon cut in, taking charge as the eldest.

"Neither are mine" Jaquelyn added quickly, a permanently harsh look on her face. "Arnold's kids can't get to go in and convince her to give them all the money without mine there"

"Our mother already has her Will and is not, currently, of sane body or mind" Arnold huffed, glaring down at his younger sister.

"If you are done arguing, I will get to why I am here" the lawyer interrupted, sensing this would go one for awhile. "My name is Carl and I'm-"

"Sorry, sorry, I'm so late. There is so much traffic, maybe an accident" a woman burst into the room, appearing as if she was jetlagged.

Everyone glanced over to see Jaquelyn's daughter stood there. She was better known as Cheryl, a world famous singer. Emma's looked up and fell straight into shock. She shook Regina's shoulder violently, noticing she wasn't paying any attention.

"Gina, look who it is" Emma quickly said, unsure how to react to one of her favourite singers.

"It's just my cousin Cheryl. What about it" Regina asked, barely even looking at the woman.

"Your cousin is mother fucking Cheryl and you didn't tell me" Emma questioned, her face showing only shock.

"You didn't ask" Regina shrugged, making it obvious she was in a bad mood.

"You knew she was my favourite"

"Now you know why she's not mine"

Before Emma could say anything else, Regina stood from her lap and stepped to the side. Now she finally acknowledging the lawyer in the doorway. Cheryl walked past her mother and sat on the sofa, kicking her feet up like she is royalty.

"Sit properly, Cheryl" Jaquelyn sternly said, already smacking her daughters legs off. She then turned towards the lawyer, eagerly awaiting to find everything out. "Carl, just get on with it"

"Due to the lack of grandchildren currently here, we have decided to invite Miriam's children in to see her first" Carl informed, looking at the three.

"Let's get this over with" Arnold sighed, leading the way out of the room.

"Oh and one more thing" Carl quickly said, stopping the group from leaving. "Doctors believes she will not make it to the end of the week. Miriam has ordered for the family to stay the week until she dies"

"What" multiple of the grandchildren, including Regina, asked loudly.

"A week" Johnathon asked, making it obvious he wasn't impressed.

"I can't stay a week" Cheryl calmly said, holding her hand up for the attention.

"I refuse to stay a week" Regina added, moving a little closer to Emma.

"It's non-optional I'm afraid" Carl cut in, turning to lead the way out.

Arnold, Jaquelyn and Johnathon, with a face like thunder, walked out of the room. All few left were all unimpressed by what they heard, staring blindly at the door. Emma placed her hand against Regina's shoulder, snapping her out of the trance.

"A week in this house? Is she trying to take us all with her" Regina angrily asked, spinning round to the blonde.

"Have some respect at least" Markus sighed, rolling his eyes at his youngest sister.

"Fuck off, seriously. Don't act like you care about her" Regina huffed, shooting a sharp glare his way.

"I don't but the fact you show up here with a woman and then say that is too far" Markus quickly replied, standing up to make his point.

"Give the whole girlfriend thing a rest already. I brought someone who keeps me sane to help with seeing my family who all hate me" Regina snapped, staring to get really annoyed now.

All of the siblings had barely spoke to each other for years. Whenever they did, it was always arguing. It just made it easier for them to avoiding talking in general; none could keep their mouths shut.

"Then don't be gay!" Markus fired back, showing he truly meant it.

"Markus, that's too far" Edward cut in, stepping between the pair.

"I don't need your help, golden boy" Regina sighed, dismissing the youngest of them all.

"Golden boy?" Edward questioned, unimpressed by the nickname.

"You know you are the favourite. You are the only one of us that doesn't have fucked up problems, according to our parents anyway" Jodie replied, knowing they were all thinking it.

"How is he the favourite? I work for dads company" Markus defensively asked, pushing past Edward.

"Exactly, you work for dads company. It's so illegal, it's unreal" Bella cut in, giving an exhausted laugh as it was obvious.

"How did we get to me anyway? Regina is the faggot" Markus snapped, catching the angry brunettes attention.

"Hey! I don't like Regina but none of us knew she was gay until today. You can't suddenly hate her because of that" Jodie quickly said, knowing there is still a limit.

"Look, I don't care. I'm not here to humour you all so go fuck yourselves" Regina tiredly sighed, flashing her middle finger as she stormed out the door. Emma was taken back by how that escalated so much. She hurried to follow Regina out, both heading towards a near by balcony. "Swan, don't follow me"

"Don't get mad at me because you are upset" Emma softly said, placing her hand over the brunettes back.

"I'm not upset! You think my brother can actually upset me" Regina snapped, spinning round to glare at the blonde.

"I'm just trying to help"

"I don't want it!"


"No! No, I'm done with you always trying to help me!" Regina yelled, stepping back from the woman. "All you ever do is try and help me and that's not fucking fair to you! Just leave before you get hurt"

"Stop it. We've been through all this before, I'm not leaving" Emma calmly but sternly said, aware the woman is just hurting.

"Why not? All I do is hurt you and that is all I will ever do. You just saw what my family is like! Why would you want to stay" Regina asked angrily, turning away to hide her pain.

"Because I don't love your family, I love you" Emma cut in, stepping closer to the woman. She slowly turned Regina back around, locking eyes with her. She placed a hand either side of the brunettes cheek, moving them even closer together. "I love everything about you, even this angry side that tries to push me away. No matter what, I will always be madly in love with you"

"Why" Regina asked, her voice almost a whispered.

"Beats the fuck out of me" Emma chuckled, managing to infect the brunette with one. "But I whole heartedly do. I will always love you, Regina"

"I love you too"

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