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Regina stood opposite her sister, horror across her face. Her mind could figure out how her sister knew something she'd only ever told three people; her parents and Emma. Bella was still annoyed at the brunettes previous comment, glaring and waiting.

"How do you know about that" Regina asked, taking a step back in fear.

"We all know" Bella simply but softly replied, relaxing at the sight of her scared sister. "Markus thought it was bullshit but the rest of us knew it wasn't"

"That doesn't explain how you know" Regina repeated, her tone growing snappier.

"Jodie said she saw you two. It wasn't until after, when you were crying, she realized what had happened" Bella answered, remembering the argument she had about stopping it.

When Jodie had told her, Bella was angry that her sister hadn't stopped it from happening. They'd all argued about what to do and how they felt this should be solved. Due to that, nothing ever happened.

"So, you are telling me that everyone knows what he did to me" Regina asked, appearing half angry, half scared.

"Yes... I'm sorry" Bella softly answered, aware this isn't the answer she wanted. Regina sighed as she turned away, hiding herself from her oldest sister. "I said we should tell our parents and his, Jodie reckoned we should have gone to the police, Edward wanted to knock him out and Markus claimed it was a misunderstanding"

Regina just stayed quiet, processing it all. She couldn't decide what she was more shocked about. The fact they all knew or the fact that they actually tried to help. Between thoughts, flashes of her first encounter with Javier played in her mind. It was all becoming too much for Regina's mind to hold, needing some way of letting it out. Before she could, another bedroom door opened. Edward stepped out with a small frown, taken back to see the pair.

"You okay" Edward asked, seeing they both appeared distressed.

"Why did you try and help me" Regina finally asked, using her brother's words to snap her from her thoughts. All her fear had bubbled up and turned into her usual anger. "We have hated each other for as long as any of us can remember! Why the FUCK did you pick to suddenly help me? Thanks to you, our parents found out I was gay and I went through so much hell!"

"Don't you dare, Regina!" Bella warned, raising her voice to match her sisters.

"No, I will!" Regina cut in, squaring up to the other brunette. "You should have minded your own business instead of getting involved in mine! None of you realized what I was put through thanks to your stupid concern"

"Hey, come on you two" Edward awkwardly said, to afraid to actually spilt them up.

"You can't be mad because I cared if you were being raped!" Bella shouted, pushing her sister out of her face. "I was so scared!"

"You want to talk about being scared" Regina asked, a surprised laugh slipping out. "I was sent to a conversion therapy camp for 2 months in hope to destroy some gay demon inside of me! Our parents had me put through a version of hell I wouldn't wish on anyone because of you!"

"They did what" Jodie breathed out, standing in her doorway with a face full of shock.

She'd overheard all the shouting and came to check what was going on. As Regina glanced around, she saw a level of concern her siblings had never shown before. All the anger began to slip away, allowing the awful memories of the camp to fill her mind.

"They umm... When they caught me with that girl, they sent me away and had me tortured to get rid of the gay. When it didn't work, they gave up with that place and decided to try it their own way" Regina quietly explained, her body unable to get louder.

"Why didn't you tell us" Edward asked, gesturing towards his two other sisters.

"Can you remember a time when any of us ever spoke without arguing" Regina laughed effortlessly, looking as if the boy was crazy.

"My 12 year old son thinks he's gay" Jodie finally said, bringing all their attention to her. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. He came out to me and I am confused on the best way to handle it, given our family's track record and all"

"Do you accept him" Regina nervously asked, ready to leave if she had to.

"Of course I do... Regina, I have no problem with you or him being gay" Jodie reassured, able to read between the brunettes question.

"Me neither. That's not why I hate you" Bella added, knowing she never knew about the woman's sexuality.

"Do any of you actually have a reason to hate each other" Emma asked, finally making her presence known. Like Jodie, she'd overheard but hadn't wanted to interrupt. "You all just say you hate each other but there is never an answer as to why"

"Markus is a dick, there's a reason" Jodie quickly said, raising her hand in the air.

"Agreed" the other three echoed, rolling their eyes in sync.

"Okay, so you all don't like Markus. Why don't you like each other" Emma asked, stepping a little closer to her fiancé. Each Mills sibling exchanged looks, waiting for one to give an answer. "Me, personally, I think you were just told you hate to hate each other and decided that was a good enough reason"

"By who? No one made us hate each other" Edward asked, looking confused at his three sisters.

"Our parents" Bella replied, sighing at the painful truth. "They told us bad things about each other over the years in desperate hope that we'd never get along"

"But why" Jodie questioned, feeling hurt by the awful realisation.

"Because they knew they couldn't control us together. They had to break us apart and do it individually" Regina sighed her response, tiredly resting her head against the blonde's. Emma slipped her arm around the woman's shoulder and cuddled her closer, knowing this was all a lot to take in. Regina could feel them all looking at her, too afraid to question it. "Markus is a dick"

"He really is" Bella laughed, having always hated her older brother the most.

"Don't listen to the shit he said about being gay" Edward quickly said, stepping a little closer to the group. "As long as you are happy and not being hurt, which I can see you aren't, then it's fine"

The group just laughed tiredly. They were all exhausted from that rollercoaster of emotions. Regina could only focus on the fact that Emma had come to her rescue even after telling her to sort it herself. She kissed the blonde's neck ever so gently before turning back to her siblings.

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