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The next morning came. Regina had been up all night, tossing and turning in fear of what is to come. She had never spoken about her problems to anyone, no one cares enough to ask. Feeling as though she needed to talk to someone made her anxiety go through the roof. Her plan was to avoid it like always, knowing it would be tricky. As the time reach 8am, her door knocked.

"Come in" Regina tiredly said, yawning as she spoke.

"Good morning, ma'am" Bernadette said, entering with a welcoming smile.

Regina turned her nose up at her as she sat up, hating how happy she was. Bernadette opened the curtains and let the bright light wake Emma up like every morning. The blonde huffed and covered her eyes, blinded by such brightness.

"God dammit, why don't you ever sleep in" Emma huffed, rolling onto her stomach and burying her face.

"Get use to it, Swan" Regina sighed, knowing she's been there long enough now. "Right, what we doing today and how much involves seeing my parents"

"Not much of it does, as requested. You are scheduled to go for brunch with them at 10am from which you will part ways and go meet Erica for a shopping trip. Your parents will be at home, allowing Emma to go wherever she pleases for 2 hours. After that, the car will pick you both up and bring you here in time to relax by the pool until dinner" Bernadette explained, reading from her iPad as she did.

"Okay, well I'm going to shower" Regina simply said, already on her way to the bathroom.

"Wait, we were going to talk" Emma quickly said, lifting her head from the pillow.

"Well, I don't want to" Regina replied, closing the door behind her.

"She is such hard work" Emma sighed in exhaustion, dropping her head back on the pillow.

"Just be patient with her and eventually she will come around" Bernadette said in a soft voice, turning to leave the room.

"Has she ever?" Emma asked, mumbling as she was so tired.

"I've seen her open up once in my life and it didn't end well. She needs time and, honestly, someone who will fight for her; you can probably guess no one ever has. We've all seen and heard the awful things that have gone on in her life but we are all powerless to help" Bernadette explained, the sadness across her face.


"All of us right now, except you, are replaceable. She fired the last girl who asked about the cut on her arms"

Emma had noticed the scars and chose to keep quiet about them. The sad truth is, cuts and scars like that are a normal for people in this world; Emma had her own to prove it. Bernadette gave a final smile before leaving, hoping that little talk will encourage the blonde. With that, Emma headed towards the bathroom door. She didn't hear the shower on yet so she decided to knock, knowing there is still time.

"Fuck off, I'm about to brush my teeth" Regina snapped, grabbing her toothbrush from the cabinet.

"Well, can you come out here before you do" Emma softly asked, trying to be nice to get the woman out.

"Nope, you can wait" Regina simply replied, doing everything she can to avoid the conversation. Emma just sighed and twisted the door handle, noticing it was unlocked; she pushed it open. "What the fuck are you doing"

"We said we'd talk and we are going to" Emma sternly but calmly said, closing the door behind her.

"I don't want to talk!"

"Well, we are going to. This isn't something small to be swept under the mat"

"No, you're right, it's not! That doesn't mean I want to talk about it! Why would I? Who wants to talk about the fact that this is my third time relapsing into an eating disorder since I was 15 years old?" Regina snapped, so fast she didn't even notice what came out her mouth. Emma just looked at her with shock on her face, feeling awful for what was said. Regina's face dropped. Her own words hurt her more than she'd imagined, piercing a hole in her heart. As she let her head drop in shame, a small but exhausted sigh left her lips. "Please, don't make me talk about this"

"Why not" Emma softly asked, her face showing she was there to only help and support.

Regina hesitated to speak, knowing she didn't have an answer she wanted to give. She glanced up to the blonde, locking eyes instantly. As brown eyes gazed into green, she realized that there was a possibility she could trust someone again. Having said that, Regina done what she does best and got annoyed.

"Get out of my bathroom and never question me again" Regina snapped, pushing past the woman to yank the door open.

Before Emma could protest, Regina practically pushed her out the room. She slammed the door shut and made sure she locked it this time. As soon as the click was heard, Regina finally left her eyes break. Silently, Regina sobbed against the door. All the pain and all the hurt had came to the surface, almost ready to finally exploded out onto someone. She just had one arm clawed around her mouth and the other wrapped around her waist, eliminating any sound coming out. Emma was still the other side, shocked at how the woman just reacted. Having said that, she knew it was a defence mechanism.

"When you are ready, we can talk" Emma simply said, slowly walking away to leave her in piece.

Emma had no faith Regina would actually come and talk but she wanted the woman to know she was there for her. Despite how cruel and evil the brunette was, Emma couldn't let her suffer in silence; she knew better than anyone how painful that is. She just left the room and went to the bathroom across the hall, having been made go use that one instead of Regina's.

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