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The next morning came around, Regina and Emma were still cuddled up asleep. Neither had moved away from the other during the night, remaining in a tight embrace. Regina had most of her body on top of Emma and had a strong grip on her pyjama top. There was a knock on Regina's door, just like every morning, that woke the brunette.

"Come in" Regina tiredly said, not paying enough attention to her surroundings.

It was only after she spoke, she noticed the body she was lying on. A small crack of a smile grew as she lifted her head, watching the blonde start to wake up. Bernadette entered the room while focusing her attention on her iPad.

"So, you have a quiet day planned today" Bernadette started, glancing up to see the pair cuddled up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrupt"

"You're not" Regina quickly replied, sitting up to be free from the blondes grasp.

"Actually, can you give us half an hour extra? I'm so fucking tired" Emma asked, subconsciously bringing the woman back down as she got comfortable.

"I, umm" Bernadette started to reply, looking at her boss for the final answer. Regina just nodded as she nestled her head against the blondes chest. "Right away"

With that, she left. What shocked Bernadette was, not that they were in bed together, but the fact they were actually clothed. Regina slipped her hand across Emma's chest and up to her best strap, gripping it once again. Emma kept her close as she closes her eyes, still tired from her late night last night. Once awake, Regina couldn't get herself back to sleep. She decided to place a soft kiss against the blondes chest, close to her breast.

"Did you just kiss me" Emma asked in a mumble, her eyes still remaining closed. Regina just nodded, glancing up at the half asleep woman. "I liked it"

Regina smirked at the three little words. She moved a little to be near the blondes neck, leaving wet kisses across it. Emma smiled a little the whole way through, allowing it to grow whenever the brunette got to her jawline. Regina then stopped, just staring at the closed eyes.

"Look at me" Regina whispered, leaning closer to the blondes face.

Emma's green eyes revealed themselves, instantly locking with the brown set. Regina smirked as she leaned in, finally capturing the thin pair of lips opposite her. Nothing but passion laced all the way through the kiss, causing electric sparks and butterflies all over. Regina moved the rest of her body on top of the blondes, tangling her hand through the mane of hair. It didn't take long for Emma to roll them, finally starting on top. Regina broke the kiss to look at the woman, taken back by her dominance.

"You like?" Emma questioned, using her muscular arms to hold herself up.

"I prefer being in charge... But I don't mind bottoming when you look so good on top" Regina replied in a seductive voice, biting her lip half way through.

"God, you can't do this to me" Emma sighed, already feeling turned on by the woman's behaviour.

"Do what" Regina asked with an innocent face, sliding her finger around the blondes waistband.

"You're like a drug I can't say no to" Emma said with a slight chuckle of exhaustion.

Regina smirked as she lifted her head, bring the blondes a little closer. She licked Emma's lips ever so slightly before kissing her. The blonde went in for more but Regina led her head back down, making sure she had all the power.

"What's wrong with a little addiction" Regina asked, sliding her finger a little more into the blondes pants. Emma tensed at the anticipation, trying to hold it all together. "When I make you feel that good, it can't be bad"

Emma couldn't hold off any longer, already crashing her lips against Regina's. The brunettes pulled the other woman's body closer to hers, not that they weren't already rest against each other. Emma kept trying to pull away, kept trying to resist the temptation, but nothing could fight the drug that was Regina Mills. Soon enough, she fought to break the kiss but kept their lips almost touching.

"Your assistant will be back soon" Emma mumbled against the woman's lips.

"I guess I'll have to make you scream loud enough for her to know we're busy" Regina whispered, her warm breath against the blondes lips.

"I don't do this kind of thing" Emma sighed, hating how badly she wanted the woman.

"It's okay, I'll teach you" Regina seductively replied, her hand making its way up the blondes top.

"When this is done, you'll toss me aside and make room for the new one" Emma continued, finally moving her face just a little from the brunettes.

"Maybe... Maybe not" Regina simply replied, letting her fingers walk about the blondes upper body. "I like you, Swan. There's something about you that isn't what I'm use to, drawing me in even more"

"There's definitely something about you" Emma chuckled slightly, subconsciously moving her face closer once again.

"If you think downstairs was good, wait until you see what's in the draw under my bed" Regina whispered, a shit eater grin plastered across her face.

"Oh god" Emma sighed in exhaustion, finding her fight too hard.

Just as Regina leaned up to capture Emma's lips again, the door knocked. Her eyes flicked towards it in slight annoyance, having wanted more time. She then pecked her lips against Emma's and rolled the blonde off her, sitting up in the process.

"Come in" Regina called out, ruffling her hair into place.

Emma began to laugh aloud at the woman rolling her, slight shock it happened. Regina kept her body forward but allowed her eyes to watch the giggling blonde, admiring the image and sound perfectly matching. She smiled ever so slightly at it, not daring to admit how much she liked that sound.

"Ma'am, your schedule for today" Bernadette said, yanking the curtains open.

"Oh god, warning next time" Emma said with a grumble, burying her head into the pillow.

"Miss Swan, your time in my bed has expired" Regina simply said, tapping the woman's thigh to make her move. "If you're lucky, I'll let you back in soon"

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