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It's been a month now. Regina and Emma are either all loved up or argue the house down; not a single in between with them. Regina's grandmother had fallen ill and left the pair on their way to Grandmother Mills's house. Regina hadn't seen any of her family since she kicked her parents out, having grown nervous to bring Emma with her. She had made it very obviously the whole day. The pair were currently sat in the back of the limo in complete silence. When the blonde finally glanced over at her, she saw the vast increase of fear since the plane.

"It's going to be okay" Emma softly said, reaching over to hold the woman's hand.

"No it's not, don't be stupid" Regina huffed, pulling her hand out the blondes grip.

"Don't get moody at me because you're nervous" Emma sighed, knowing she should guessed this behaviour.

"I'm not moody!" Regina cut in, a growl to her voice. "I don't even know why I have to come here. My grandmother practically shunned me from the family when I came out. If it was possible, she would have taken the Mills name from me"

"She's on her death bed, Regina, it's just to say goodbye" Emma said in a soft but tired voice, having had this conversation many times.

"I don't want to say goodbye. I'm only going because of this stupid family tradition" Regina said with grumble, pouting in a sulk.

"Look, we are on are almost there now so  it's too late to just turn around and leave. Let's suck it up, smile and get this weekend over with" Emma kindly suggested, trying to hold the woman's hands again.

Regina, keeping her sulk, glanced over at the blonde. She saw the sweet smile on her face, feeling it infect her own. Regina could help but turn towards Emma, moving closer to her. She cuddled into the blonde a little and sighed, knowing she was being dramatic.

"I'm sorry, I'm just scared" Regina mumbled, aware she was in the wrong.

"I know, it's okay" Emma reassured, easily remembering the trauma the Mills family out on the brunette.

"You never ended up telling me what your life was like. I know your parents died but that's mostly it" Regina queried, wanting something to take her mind off it all.

"Umm... I wouldn't know how to start" Emma nervously chuckled, thinking back to all her scarring memories.

"You mentioned before about going through something awful on your own. Do you want to talk about it" Regina asked, not wanting to put any pressure on the woman.

"Oh that, that's not a pretty story. It was back when 13 and I was living with my aunt and her boyfriend. She wasn't a very nice woman but he was actually worse. He'd always made inappropriate comments to me and held my arse while insisting I call him uncle. I hit puberty young and when I turned 13, he gave me a horrible birthday present" Emma answered in a rather reserved voice.

"Oh my god... Em, I'm so sorry, I had no idea" Regina softly apologized, looking with only sympathy into the green eyes.

"Yeah, not good. I ended up pregnant from it. Since he was the only one who knew, I was scared and told him. He threatened to kill me and all that if I ever told anyone it was his. So, naturally, when my aunt found out, I just said it was someone from school. She made me get an abortion instantly. After that, she called me every different form of slut there was until I left at 17" Emma finished, trying to hide the fact it still hurt.

"Oh baby" Regina softly said, reaching up to hold the woman's face. "If I'd known, I wouldn't have made you talk"

"It's fine, I don't mind. I came to terms with all this a very long time ago" Emma replied with a slight shrug.

Regina pulled the blonde into her arms and held her close. Just as Emma knew Regina very well, it worked the other way too. The brunette was instantly aware of the protective coping mechanisms used here. It was obvious that Emma didn't want to reveal just how much it effected her. Regina just kept the blonde close and kissed her temple, hoping it helped sooth.

"We can be broken together" Regina suggested with a chuckle, infecting the blonde.

"I like that idea" Emma smiled, giving her girlfriend a squeeze.

As they pulled away, their eyes met. Regina placed a hand either side of the blondes face, moved closer and placed a peck against the woman's lips. Emma smiled more at this, choosing to do the same.

"You know my parents are going to be so confused to see you" Regina chuckled nervously, brushing her thumbs across the blondes cheek.

"It's going to be fine. We have handled them before and we can handle them again" Emma reassured, hiding the fact she was worried too.

"We handled two; there is going to be 14 Mills's, not including me" Regina cut in, having to quickly work it out in her head.

"14?" Emma spat, her brow beginning to form as one.

"My parents, my siblings, my aunt, my uncle, my cousins and my Grandma"

"That's a lot of people"

"Now you get why I'm nervous? I don't like my family in small doses, let alone this" Regina sighed dramatically, thinking of how bad all the family gatherings are.

"It's just for 3 days and then we are leaving" Emma reminded, hoping that gave a little more light.

"If she dies, we have to stay an extra week" Regina huffed, dreading that actually happened. "I swear to god, I never wanted this woman to stay alive more than I do now"

"You really don't like her, do you" Emma questioned, able to see a real and pure hatred here.

"She was a foul and nasty woman, worse than my parents. Even when me and my siblings were kids, she was so, so, hard on us" Regina hurried to reply, making her point as clear as she could.

"I wish I could just wipe that all away for you and give you a good and happy life" Emma softly sighed, resting her head upon the brunettes.

"I wish I could do the same for you" Regina replied, instantly feeling comfort from the woman.

They both leaned in and captured the others lips in a soft but tender kiss. They only lingered a few seconds to enjoy the moment before they pulled away. Both just cuddled into the other, using it to keep their nerves and mental well-being at bay. But just as they managed to calm themselves to a steady pace, the limo pulled up outside the large mansion.

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