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The following morning came. Regina woke up in Emma's arms, cuddled up as close as possible. The blonde's body was half on top of her, half on the bed. She couldn't help but smile at the sleeping woman, not wanting to wake her and end this moment. Instead, Regina just allowed her hand to gently brush a few blonde strands behind her ear and watched with eyes containing only love. She then felt a kiss against her neck, noticing Emma had begun to wake up.

"Good morning, fiancé" Regina whispered in her morning voice, emphasizing the name.

"Now that's what I like to hear" Emma mumbled, not opening her eyes yet. She snuggled her head more into the brunettes naked chest. Regina couldn't help but giggle at this, pushing her hand through the blonde locks. "Why are you laughing"

"Because you're cute when you're all sleepy" Regina chuckled her reply, moving her face closer towards the woman.

Emma opened her eyes in time to meet Regina's gaze. The pair just stared into each other's eyes, allowing their smiles to increase. Finally, the gap was closed between their lips. Butterflies flew between each other's stomachs, causing a stronger desire between them. Emma then finally broke the kiss, relocking their eyes.

"So, what are we going to do today" Emma asked, moving up to be level with the brunette's face.

"I have an idea" Regina smirked, sliding her hand onto the blonde's hip.

"We can't just have sex all day" Emma replied, shaking her head with a laugh.

"Technically, we can. We just shouldn't" Regina giggled, bringing her face closer to the blondes.

"Don't you have to talk to your sister"

"I don't want to"

"You guys haven't spoken in years, if one of them wants to then you should try at least" Emma suggested, moving away a little to see the woman.

"No, don't, don't so that stupid thing where you make me a better person" Regina huffed dramatically, rolling onto her back in a sulk.

"Just go down the hall and try talking to her. She sounded genuine and apologized for Markus" Emma cut in, bringing the brunettes face towards her. Regina gave a childish pout and frown, avoiding the blonde's eye contact. "Look at me, Regina"

"I don't want to talk to her" Regina grumbled, bringing her eyes to meet the green pair.

"You don't have to be long" Emma cut in, giving a slight giggle at the reaction. "It will be good for you"

With a large and dramatic sigh, Regina pulled her body up from the sheets. Emma smiled as she watched her, knowing she won this little disagreement. Regina rolled her eyes at this, making her way out of the bed. Without a word, she walked over to the walk in wardrobe and slammed the door shut. Emma just laughed a little louder than planned, happy she got through to the brunette.

"Shut up laughing, Swan!" Regina shouted out, annoyed by the blonde being right.

"Just hurry up and get dressed. The faster you do it, the faster you can get back into bed with me" Emma replied, chuckling along at the brunette.

"I'm deciding what I should wear" Regina moaned, flickering between the different items of clothes. "Dress or pants"

"Dress, it's quicker" Emma replied, amused by the stress on the other woman.

"What? For me to put on or you to take off" Regina asked back, a slight smirk as she picked her dress.

"Both, now hurry up!" Emma shouted, a large laugh slipping out too. Regina didn't take long before she was dressed, storming into the bedroom. Emma looked up with a smirk, eyeing up the woman. "Yep, that was a good choice"

"I knew you'd like this one" Regina grinned, heading towards the bathroom.

She finished her morning routine, including her makeup and brushing her teeth. Once she was done, she slipped back into the bedroom. There she saw Emma was on her phone, scrolling through tiktok as usual. Regina took this opportunity to wander over, sitting on the edge of the bed beside her. Emma glanced up, noticed the brunette fully ready and smiled at her.

"You look beautiful" Emma whispered, dropping her phone to hold the brunettes hands.

"I don't want to do this" Regina sighed, bringing the blonde's fingers to her lips.

"It won't be long, I promise. I doubt it will  be as bad as you think" Emma softly reassured, watching as the woman kissed her hands.

"It will be" Regina mumbled against the fingers. "I haven't spoken to them in fuck knows how long... Why the sudden urge to talk now"

"Only one way to find out" Emma replied, giving a smile that showed she was right.

"Fuck you" Regina huffed, leaning down to kiss the blonde. Emma couldn't help the laughter between their kisses. Regina soon broke the kiss, stood up and began walking towards the door. "I'll be back soon, don't you dare get dressed"

Emma chuckled as she watched her leave. Regina began to grow more and more nervous as she made her way down the hall, trying to make sure she got the right door. When she finally knocked, it wasn't long before it opened. Bella stood there, a confused expression on her face.

"What" Bella asked, a frown increasing on her face.

"I thought you were Jodie; she wanted to talk" Regina replied, sighing at the sight of her other sister.

"She wanted to talk to me too" Bella added, confusing both of them more. "She's next door, let's go"

"Do you really have to come too" Regina asked, rolling her eyes at her sister.

"Fuck you, don't be an asshole" Bella huffed, pushing past her younger sister.

"I'm not. It's just, out of you and Jodie, somehow you are my least favourite" Regina fired back, a snarky tone to her voice.

"Why me? At least I can keep my nose clean, unlike that druggy" Bella angrily questioned, pulling the brunette's shoulder to face her again.

"Don't fucking touch me" Regina snapped, ripping her arm from her sister grip. "Why do you think I hate you so much? You are the one who outed me about hearing me having sex in my room! Thanks to that, our parents found out I was gay and out me through hell on earth"

"I didn't fucking know that, did I?" Bella shouted back, growing annoyed by the blame. "I had seen Javier earlier that day and got worried you were with him! I knew what he did and I tried to help!"

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