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Regina and Emma were sat in the back of a limo, heading into town. They were scheduled to go their separate ways for 2 hours, allowing some well needed time alone. Regina was sat on her phone while Emma just awkwardly looked around. The brunette kept glancing up at her with a confused expression, unsure of what she was doing.

"What's wrong with you" Regina asked, keeping her eyes on the blonde this time.

"Oh, umm, nothing" Emma quickly replied, making it obvious she was nervous about something.

"Either spit it out or act normal. The awkwardness is annoying me" Regina sighed, relocking her gaze with her phone.

"I know I get paid for all this at the end of the month and the pay is very generous" Emma mumbled, rambling to avoid the point.

"But?" Regina questioned, raising an eyebrow at the other woman.

"Could I possibly borrow some money to get lunch? I'd only need like a 20 max" Emma nervously asked, avoiding eye contact as she felt embarrassed.

"You don't even have enough money to get lunch" Regina asked, shifting her body for a better view.

"I don't even have a dollar in my account" Emma laughed painfully, knowing it's easier than admitting her fear about it.

Regina just looked at the woman, easily knowing this wasn't a scam. For some unknown reason to her, she felt sorry for ho much she had and how little Emma did. Never had Regina cared about others but, somehow, Emma was different for her. She thought for a little, just staring at the woman as she did. Without answering, Regina went back to her phone. Emma sighed as she knew it was a long shot, worrying what she'd eat today. Out the corner of her eye, she saw Regina put the phone to her ear.

"Hello" Bernadette answered quickly, knowing to always answer without hesitation.

"Bernadette, cancel my shopping with Erica, I'm taking Emma for lunch " Regina simply said, hanging up once she was done.

"What" Emma asked, her head snapping in the woman's direction.

"A 20 isn't going to get you anything, not where we are going anyway" Regina replied, merely glancing at the blonde.

"What about Erica and your shopping" Emma asked, still in shock at this act.

"Erica was bringing her husband and the man doesn't shut up about himself, so annoying. I'd actually rather drag you out shopping with me instead and that's saying a lot because I don't like you" Regina replied with a sigh, thinking of the tedious man.

"You're buying me lunch, you must like me a little" Emma said with a cheeky smile, giggling a little as she did.

Regina just glanced at the woman with a raised eyebrow, questioning her confidence. At the sight of Emma's smile, she couldn't help but chuckle and look away. She just went back to her phone and waited for the car to arrive. As they made it into town, Regina gave the name of an expensive restaurant Emma had never heard of. It wasn't far from where they were.

"Here you go, madam" the driver said as he opened the door, waiting patiently for her to get out.

Regina, of course, didn't thank the man as she left, already heading to the door. Emma couldn't believe the type of place she was at. It was beautiful and so elegant, even too pricy for Beverly Hills. Regina walked into the restaurant and to the waitress at the hostess point.

"Good afternoon, have you got an appointment" the girl asked, giving a friendly smile to the woman.

"No" Regina simply said, digging through her purse.

"I'm afraid we would need you to have booked" the girl started, being cut off when a piece of card was held to her face. She took it with confusion, instantly growing scared. "I'm sorry, Miss Mills, I had no idea. I'll show you to your table now"

"How did you do that" Emma quickly but quietly asked, following close behind the brunette.

"My parents may be twats but I get in wherever I want thanks to them" Regina smirked, happy to abuse that power when she pleased. "It's precisely how I got you fired"

Emma wasn't sure whether to laugh and looked shocked, choosing to do both. The pair were seated at a booth in the VIP section of the restaurant. The waitress handed them menus, gave a polite nod and left them in peace.

"Whoa, this is lush" Emma said in amazement, her eyes unsure where to look first.

"I take it you've never been somewhere like this" Regina asked with a chuckle, amused by the woman's reaction.

"I couldn't afford a McDonalds today, what do you think" Emma laughed, raising an eyebrow at the brunette.

"I've heard of McDonalds but I've never actually had it before" Regina commented, recognising the name from a conversation.

"You've never had McDonalds" Emma spat, looking half confused, half shocked.

"No, of course not. What do you even get there" Regina asked, a little taken back by the reaction.

"You can get chicken nuggets or a burger" Emma explained, starting to list it on her hand.

"You can get a burger here" Regina cut in, gesturing to the section of the menu.

"Yeah but McDonalds is just something everyone should have had once in there life" Emma said with a laugh, unsure how to sell it to this woman of all people. "I get my last pay check from Tiffany's next week; I'll take you for McDonalds"

"You are that desperate for me to try it that you'll waste your little bit of money" Regina questioned, aware of how little the pay is. Emma just smiled and nodded, giving a shrug of shyness as she did. "How about this? If I actually like that shit, I'll pay"

"I don't think you'll like it"

"Then why would you want me to put it in my mouth" Regina quickly asked, looking a little offended by the blondes request.

"I'm sure you have had worse in your mouth" Emma laugh, catching a sharp glare from the rich woman.

"Hey! My taste in women is very good and I get what I want" Regina quickly defended, smirking a little at the blonde. She looked Emma up and down, bit her lip in an obvious way. The woman blushed at Regina's actions, trying to cover it with a laugh. "See, whatever I want"

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