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The following morning came about, allowing Emma to awake from her deep sleep. As her eyes fluttered open, she became aware of the emptiness around her. Regina was no longer there. The blonde couldn't help the sigh of disappointment, knowing she should have expected this. She sat up to notice she was still in the outfit she wore yesterday, growing worried she may smell. Before she could ever get out the bed, the bedroom door opened. Regina's head poked in the tiniest bit, smiling as she was the blonde sat up.

"Awe good, you're awake. I was worried I'd have to wake you myself" Regina said with slight relief, entering the room. "Fernando!"

With that, the head chef entered the room. Following behind were several butler's, each holding a dish in their hand. Emma was taken back by the sight of all this food, watching as it was placed around her. Fernando placed a napkin and empty plate on the blonde lap before leading everyone out.

"What's all this" Emma asked, amazed by the amount their was.

"Breakfast" Regina simply replied, moving over to the side of the bed. She sat down next to the blonde, subconsciously placing her hand upon Emma's thigh. "I wasn't sure what you'd want so I got everything. There's bacon, sausages, hash browns, french toast, normal toast, eggs cooked three ways and more that I can't be bothered to name"

"Whoa, I umm... I didn't expect this" Emma chuckled in shock, switching between the food and the brunette.

"I wasn't sure if you'd be hungover or not and I remember how much you love breakfast" Regina giggled sweetly, growing a little shy at her own kind gesture.

"I lived here for 2 months and I never got this" Emma said with a laugh, using her hand to pick up some bacon.

"Yeah, well..." Regina started, loosing her words as she just looked at the blonde.

Emma glanced over at the sudden silence from the other woman. She saw as Regina just looked at her, a small smile on show. This infected Emma with a slight bigger one, allowing both to grow together. She reached her hand up and cupped the brunettes cheek, staring straight into her eyes.

"I'm sorry I turned up here drunk. I was annoyed and angry but I shouldn't have done that" Emma softly said, brushing her thumb against the brunettes cheek.

"I shouldn't have left that day, I'm sorry. I got scared that, if I stayed, we'd work something out and I'd end up hurting you" Regina admitted, trying to look away but engulfed in the woman's eyes.

"Stop being so scared of hurting me and put yourself out there" Emma sighed gently, knowing the brunettes fear of it all.


"No but's! Just let yourself be happy" Emma quickly cut in, giving an encouraging smile.

"Don't do that face" Regina said, a small but shy grin growing across her cheeks.

"What face"

"That one. When you smile, you know I'll do anything for you!" Regina chuckled, leaning a little closer to the woman.

"I actually didn't know that but now I do" Emma replied, allowing her smirk to increase.

Regina just giggled and looked away, hiding her shy face. Emma used her first two fingers to lift the brunettes head back up, relocking their eyes. Both switched to the others lips, feeling nothing but attraction to them. Regina finally made the first move and leaned in, connecting their lips. It wasn't long for the kiss to be deepened but still remained at a slow pace. Their hands gripped the others face tightly, keeping them together. The passion and love that radiated from them was powerful, bring them even closer than possible. When Regina began to pull away, Emma tugged on her bottom lip and let go.

"Oh god, Swan, I am so addicted to you" Regina whispered, her face resting against the blondes.

"Remember what you said? Nothing wrong with a little addiction" Emma smirked, sliding her hand onto the brunettes hip.

"If we are going to do this, are you sure you want to" Regina asked, letting her hands explore the blondes neck.

"What do you think" Emma mumbled against the brunettes lips, pulling them both into a kiss. Regina smiled as the blonde leaned back, looking into her eyes. "So... It's your call"

"Will you be my girlfriend" Regina asked, an embarrassed smile stretched across her face.

"Of course I will" Emma giggled her response, knowing if was obvious.

The pair both happily smiled into a kiss, deepening it instantly. This new factor somehow created another level of passion they didn't know existed. They clung together as if something bad would happen if they let go. Both knew that this was going to be hard but, after all they've been through, it seemed possible. Emma broke the kiss for a second, moving down to the brunettes neck.

"Swan, you need to eat this food" Regina quickly said, having forgot it was all there.

"I have something else in mind that I'd rather eat" Emma replied, mumbling against the woman's neck.

"I'll stay hot longer than the food will" Regina chuckled, gently moving the blondes head away.

"Will you eat with me" Emma asked, turning to grab a piece of French toast.

"I'll have a little" Regina replied, knowing how much she has always hated breakfast.

Emma smiled as she held the slice of toast in front of the brunettes mouth, waiting for her to take it. Regina giggled as she bit down, taking a small bite. To her surprise, she actually liked the taste of it. Thanks to her having an eating problem for a very long time, there was still loads she'd never tried. She took the food from the blonde, allowing Emma to get her own.

"I missed you the most, Gina, but Fernando's cooking is a close second" Emma said, humming at the taste in her mouth.

"I'm glad you like it" Regina replied with a smile, wrapping her arm around the blondes waist. She leaned over and kissed Emma's cheek, resting her head upon the woman's shoulder as she did. "I do love you, Swan"

"I love you too, Gina"

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