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Regina just stood there, shock consuming her entire body. As hard as she tried, her eyes wouldn't budge from Emma's. She'd hoped she'd heard wrong or she was making things up in her head. Emma's confirmation was enough for her to know it was all true.

"I think we need to back up a thousand steps. You love me?" Regina spat her question, not believing what was said.

"Maybe... Yeah, I do. What's so wrong about that" Emma asked, a little embarrassed by her own words.

"Everything! You don't love me, Emma. You may think you do but, trust me, you don't" Regina hurried to reply, finally turning away from the blonde. "Besides, why would you tell me that? You couldn't have believed I'd feel the same"

"No but I know you at least have feelings for me. I can see it, Regina, it's in your eyes. Whenever you look at me, I can see you feel something for me. It may not be love but... I don't know, I can just see it" Emma blurted out, growing more and more hurt by the brunettes words.

"Miss Swan, I studied acting for many years and I got very high grades. The looks I give you are purely for show so my parents by it all" Regina huffed angrily, keeping her back to the woman. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and let her head drop; she was preparing for her next few words. "You're delusional if you think I felt anything but hatred and dislike for you"

Emma just stood there, her eyes now finally welling up. She was just waiting for Regina to turn around and tell her it was all a cruel joke. Of course, Regina didn't. Instead, she leaned against her desk and kept her eyes closed, afraid they'd give her true colours away.

"You're such a dick" Emma sniffled, trying desperately to keep her tear in line.

"Excuse me" Regina spat, spinning round to see the woman.

"Just because you don't feel the same, doesn't mean you have to be like that. I'm being vulnerable with you right now, admitting how I feel, and this is how you treat me" Emma asked, a mixture of anger and pain in her tone.

"Because you are being unrealistic. I mean, how is it possible for you to love me after what I put you through. You're being stupid, Swan" Regina fired back, appearing as if it was obvious.

"You know what, fuck you" Emma finally snapped, her eyes watering once again. "I've been nothing but nice to you and this is how you treat me. Regina, I do love you... So fucking much. But, god as my witness, I really wish I didn't because you act like I'm shit on your shoes"

"Then, how could you possibly love me" Regina cut in, stepping closer in frustration.

"I have no idea why the hell I love you, you are horrible to me. This whole time you've been using me like a fucking yo-yo, pulling me in and throwing me away like it's a game" Emma angrily responded, her pain sticking out in her tone.

"You shouldn't have kept coming back! That's what I do and you knew that! All this is your fault!"

"How the fuck is you being a heartless bitch my fault?"

"Because you knew what I was like and yet you still done it!" Regina cut in, shouting at the top of her voice to over power the blonde.

"You know what? I'm done, I quit" Emma sighed, throwing her arms up in exhaustion.

"What do you mean you quit" Regina asked, confused by the blonde odd surrender.

"I mean I'm done working for you and living in this house. You have 0 respect for me or what I do for you so why the fuck would I stay" Emma snapped, burning hole into the brown set of eyes.

"No, you can't just walk away, Miss Swan, you still have a week left" Regina rushed to cut in, hurrying closer to stop the woman.

"I don't care anymore, I'm done with the way you treat me" Emma huffed, turning away to walk towards the door.

"You do not get paid a single cent if you leave now; do you understand me" Regina shouted, watching the blonde pull the door open.

"Keep your money, it's not worth it" Emma dismissed, shrugging it off as if it was nothing.

"Miss Swan-"


"Fine, Em-ma... You can't just leave because I don't love you" Regina huffed, mocking the woman's name.

"I'm not! I'm leaving because you are a cold hearted bitch and I don't deserve this" Emma snapped back, slamming the door shut behind her.

At the sound of the loud back, Regina's heart dropped to her stomach. Her dark eyes began to fill with tears, all burning to escape. She just placed her hand over her mouth and let them out, eliminating any sob that may appear. Soon enough, her legs began to give out, dropping her body. Her knees collided with the ground, followed by the rest of her. To do that, it felt as if Regina's heart was smashed with a hammer. Before she knew it, it became impossible to silence her cries. She just led on the floor, face buried in her hands, sobbing at previous scene.

"I'm so sorry" Regina whispered, barely audible due to her cracked tone.

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