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A day or two had passed, allowing Emma and Regina to argue a little less than usual. Of course they still do but not quite as much, slowly improving. Emma was sat in the kitchen, waiting for the chef to finish her lunch. Isabella and Arnold were out all day so she didn't have to worry about being alone. Regina walked into the room to get a drink, watching as the chef placed a plate in front of Emma.

"What you eating" Regina asked, making her presence known to the pair.

"Fish finger sandwich" Emma replied, cutting the meal in half. "Thanks, Andy, looks delicious"

"You eat like a child" Regina chuckle, walking over to the alcohol cupboard.

"You drink like an alcoholic but you don't see me complaining" Emma simple said, lifting her sandwich to take a bite. Regina just rolled her eyes and ignored the comment, not having anything to respond to that. The chef gave a polite nod to both women before leaving, knowing the brunette won't be ordering food. "This is so good. Do you want a bite"

"No thanks" Regina replied, turning her nose up at it.

"You haven't eaten yet today" Emma commented, edging the sandwich closer to the woman.

"Well, I don't think a bite will do much to help that" Regina replied, not bothering to look at the woman now.

"No but you might enjoy it" Emma added, moving it back to take a bite.

"I doubt it. I'll stick to my cocktail thanks" Regina simply replied, pouring the last ingredients into the shaker. The woman shook it for a few seconds before checking it was done, seeing through the glass that it was. She tried to twist it off but her body was weak due to lack of food; she just huffed in annoyance. "Why won't it fucking come off"

"Do you want me to try" Emma offered, seeing the annoyance in the woman's face.

"You're welcome to" Regina replied, knowing she is going to take what she can get.

Emma placed her food down as she stood up, making her way around the island. She gently tapped it against the counter before attempting to twist it off. Her muscular arms were on full display as she did it, using a lot of strength to do it. Regina's eyes were locked onto the muscles, physically unable to look away.

"There. Next time put it on at more of an angle and it'll be easier to pull off" Emma instructed, holding the glass and shaker towards the woman. Regina was still just staring in awe, feeling her mouth watering. Emma chuckled as she placed the cocktail stuff down, finally catching the brunettes attention. "Did you want me to flex so you can take a picture"

"What? No, sorry. Um... Thank you for that" Regina awkwardly rambled, turning to grab a Martini glass.

"You're welcome" Emma smirked, heading back to her seat. Regina strained the liquid into the glass. It was a turquoise shade, confusing the blonde. "What is that"

"I call it an enchanted forest. Taste is, it's delicious" Regina offered, sliding the glass over to the blonde.

Emma hesitated a little as the colour, having missed most of the ingredients that went into it. She decided to lift it to her lips and taste it anyway. The small sip alone was incredible, tasting like pure magic in the woman's mouth.

"Oh my god, that's good" Emma said, shock being the only thing in her voice.

"I know. You can have that one, I have enough for two here anyway" Regina said with a smirk, knowing she makes good cocktails.

"What's in it?" Emma asked, lifting it to take another sip.

"I can't tell you that, it's my secret" Regina chuckled, pouring the rest into a new glass. "But be careful, it's very strong"

"Will you taste my sandwich now" Emma asked, gesturing the plate to the woman.

"No, not a chance. When I do eat, I don't eat like a child" Regina sassed, looking the woman up and down with judgement.

"Fine. I'll have the last bite then" Emma simply said, popping the last of it into her mouth.

Regina just chuckled and shook her head. She left the cocktail stuff where it was and walked around the island, her drink in her hand. As she walked to the door, she glanced over to see the blonde.

"You coming to sit by the pool?"

"Sure, why not"

Emma followed Regina outside, unable to help the cheeky glance her eyes took at the woman's behind. Once outside, the brunette rested her drink next to a sunbed. She lifted her cover up to reveal a red bikini. Emma's eyes didn't know where to look. Her boobs? Her face? Her hands? The floor? The sky? She didn't know.

"Now look who's the one staring" Regina smirk, sliding her arms around her stomach as normal.

"Why do you do that" Emma questioned, finally choosing to look into the brown set of eyes.

"What? Make a comment?" Regina asked, looking confused as she sat on her sunbed.

"No, I meant cover your stomach like that" Emma softly corrected, gesturing to what she meant.

"Oh, umm" Regina mumbled, unsure how to actually answer. She looked down at her hands and questioned whether she should say her answer or not. "I just umm... It doesn't matter"

"You're insecure about it, aren't you" Emma asked, slowly making her way to the bed beside the woman.

Regina chose to ignore the question completely, acting as if the blonde wasn't there. She simply closed her eyes and soaked in all the sun burning down on her golden body. She couldn't bring herself to admit the real reason, not to another person anyway. Emma knew it was a long shot but the brunette was clearly hurting and in need of help. It didn't take a genius to learn that time is a key factor when dealing with a ticking bomb like Regina Mills.

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