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It's later that evening, Emma and Regina were getting ready for bed. The blonde looked towards the wardrobe, seeing as the other woman was slipping her pyjama top over her head.

"You okay" Emma asked, watching as she walked out of the large room.

"I'm fine" Regina shrugged, flicking her wardrobe light off.

"Don't sound too convincing about that" Emma softly questioned, slowly approaching the brunette.

"It's just been a long day" Regina sighed, looking down to avoid the green set of eyes.

"I know" Emma replied, lifting the brunettes head to see her. "You want to talk about it"

"Does it help" Regina asked, having never actually opened up to anyone before.

"It does most of the time. It's a way for you to let everything out, venting if u will" Emma replied in a gentle tone, a small smile to help encourage.

Regina just looked at her, hating how much she wanted to talk. Usually she never had a problem with hiding how she felt but, with Emma, it was a whole other story. She turned towards the bed, sat down and patted the spot beside her. Emma took a seat and subconsciously held the woman's hand, both locking eyes at that touch. It was only for a moment before Regina broke their stare and took her hand back, helping to shield at least some part of herself.

"Ever since I was young, my parents drummed it into me about body standards in our world" Regina started, already feeling uncomfortable about her words. "They use to put food in front of me and judge me with their glares and sighs if I ever tried to eat any of it. I assume they did with my sister's but I have no idea, I haven't spoken to them in years"

"So, how do you know about the stuff you told your parents" Emma cut in, curious at the whole situation.

"We all meet for Christmas every year and my family gossips. None of us five ever talk but we hear about everything going on in each others lives" Regina replied, thinking of that dreaded time of year. "I assume my parents did the same to all of us. I mean, they aren't good people, there is no way they managed to be good parents"

"They aren't good parents or people. As hard as it is, you shouldn't listen to anything they say. I think that you finishing your meal was a huge accomplishment and if I could, I'd give you a medal or a reward for that. You have come so far since I met you... Please don't let them bring you down" Emma said in a kind and encouraging voice, showing how passionate she was about this.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I was horrible to you" Regina asked, finally allowing herself to look at the woman.

"I'm not being nice, I'm being truthful" Emma giggled, brushing a strand behind the woman's ear.

"No, I mean in general. I snapped at you earlier and you still hugged me. The reason everyone leaves me is because I can't control my temper, I snap and they get offended... But you? You let me yell and then hugged me" Regina questioned, looking with only confusion at the blonde.

"Because I know it's just a defence mechanism, we all have them" Emma simply replied, giving a small smile as she did.

"What's yours" Regina asked, wanting to get off her a little.

"I over think the situation until I have every possible and impossible outcome known to man" Emma answered with a chuckle, easily aware of what she does to herself. "If people leave because of it, it means you haven't found the right people"

"You didn't leave"

"Your right, I didn't"

Regina just looked into Emma's eyes, seeing the care that sat in them. Despite how much she hated the feeling of vulnerability, she felt as if she could met into the green pool of love. She wanted to look away but she could, like a magnet was pulling her there.

"You have nice eyes" Regina whispered, aware she'd been staring into them for too long.

"You have a nice smile" Emma added, brushing her them across the corner of the woman's lip.

"You have nice hair"

"You have nice skin"

"You have nice boobs" Regina giggled, letting her eyes flicked towards them for a second.

"So do you" Emma copied, a small smirk as she did so. Regina couldn't help but laugh a little, her smile coming out. "See, a nice smile"

"Don't make me blush" Regina quickly said, hiding her lower face in embarrassment.

"I've never seen you so shy before" Emma laugh, trying to move the woman's hands away.

"Shut up, I'm not shy" Regina playful huffed, pushing the blondes shoulder gently.

"You so are" Emma teased, finally moving the brunettes hand to see her face. She allowed her laughter to die down at the sight of Regina staring at her. Both couldn't help the small smile at each other, already forgetting the sad reason they were talking. "I like it when you're shy though"

"I like your laugh" Regina smiled, still appearing as if she was embarrassed by the blonde looking at her.

"I like you making me laugh" Emma added, brushing her hand onto the woman's cheek.

"Do you like me" Regina nervously asked, her eyes flicking away quickly.

Emma brushed her thumb across the brunettes cheek, hoping to catch her eyes again. When Regina didn't look up, Emma chose to just lean in and kiss her softly. Both placed a few kisses on the others lips, neither really wanting to move away. The blonde finally did, managing to look Regina in the eyes.

"I like you very much" Emma whispered, resting her head against the brunettes.

Regina smiled in utter excitement and joy for the tiniest bit of a second before moving back in for a kiss. This time she deepened it and wouldn't dare let herself move away. Both held each other close, passion filling the room and all its cracks. There was no roughness, no bad tension or anything; there was only love. Whether that would make it for the last two weeks of their fake marriage is a whole other topic.

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