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"Is she ready" Regina asked, clipping her earrings in with the help of her mirror.

"Almost, ma'am. She is still in her wardrobe, having her hair done I believe" Bernadette replied in a hurried voice, knowing this will annoy her boss.

"Ugh, what is taking them so long?" Regina huffed, walking towards her double doors. "Bring my shoes"

"Yes, ma'am" Bernadette quickly said, rushing to get what the woman requested.

Regina stormed out of her room and across the hall, walking straight into the room opposite. Emma was stood by the mirror, looking at her outfit with judgement. She was in a pale blue suit that, in Emma's eyes, looked unnecessarily expensive.

"What is taking you so long" Regina asked in annoyance, seeing the blonde hadn't finished the outfit yet.

"Is this really necessary? I mean, look at this outfit, it's a bit much" Emma questioned, turning round to see the annoyed woman.

"Because you aren't wearing it correctly" Regina huffed, walking over to the blonde to help. "Firstly, you don't do the blazer up; leave it open to see the white bralette" Regina instructed, undoing the two buttons the blonde had done up. She then noticed the belt that came with the pants was no longer there. "Where is the belt"

"I didn't need it, they fit" Emma replied, looking at the woman like she's crazy.

"It's not to help them fit, it's a non-negotiable accessory" Regina said with a loud growl, snatching the belt from the bed. She helped put it on Emma, wrapping her arms around her the woman's waist. She then glanced up a little, seeing how closer her face was. Emma let her breath hitch at this, not expecting her to look up. "You are cute, there's not doubt about that. I just fucking hope you are ready for this"

"Yeah, I- ok" Emma mumbled, trying to look away from the brunette.

"Oh, baby, you are going to have to get better at being close to me than that" Regina chuckled, moving up to hold the woman's face.

"I don't have to kiss you, right?" Emma quickly asked, having an idea where the brunette was heading towards.

"Don't you want to" Regina questioned, smirked as she moved away to help her tease.

"Not really" Emma replied, knowing to hold her ground with such a powerful woman.

"Excuse me?!" Regina snapped, spinning her whole body round to reveal her anger. She'd never had anyone say something like that, she got anyone she wanted. "Are you trying to annoy me"

"What, because I don't want to kiss you? I take it you're not use to people saying no" Emma said with a chuckle, not expecting such a reaction.

"Look at me and tell me honestly, do you think people say no to me" Regina questioned with a face full of anger and sass. Emma just laughed and shook her head, knowing the brunette is a very attractive woman. "So, then tell me, why don't you want to kiss me? I know that you wanted to when we first met, what changed?"

"I got to know how much of a bitch you were" Emma simply replied, having thought it would be obvious.

Regina's mouth dropped at this comment, looking in shock at it. She slapped the blonde across the face, her anger for the comment helped fuel it. Emma allowed her face to fly to the side, stumbling a little. Bernadette and the maid beside her both stood in utter shock at the unpredictable action.

"How dare you talk to me like that? As of three days ago, I'm your boss and you will show me respect!" Regina angrily snapped, showing her power over the blonde woman. Emma just wiped the small amount of saliva from from lip, returning back to her position. Before Regina could continue to growl, a doorbell sound was heard throughout the entire house. "Fuck! Why are they always early"

"Your parents are here" Bernadette quietly said, fearing the woman scolding.

"I KNOW THAT, YOU IDIOT!" Regina shouted at the woman, spinning round to see her. The whole room just stayed silent, looking in shock at her frustration. "Bernadette, get a butler to answer the door! You, maid, finish getting her dresses and if you fail, you're fired!"

Without another word, Regina stormed out; Bernadette quickly followed her boss. The maid nervously approached the blonde, knowing exactly what to do. Emma just looked at her in astonishment, unable to believe that just happened.

"What is her problem" she asked in shock, not wanting to be heard by the brunette woman.

"Her parents aren't nice people, it causes her a lot of stress when they are down" the maid quietly said, knowing she could get in trouble but the blonde needed to hear it.

"She seems like she's always this bad" Emma questioned, looking as if the woman was crazy to suggest she's usually better.

"She is bad but we all cut her some slack, especially when they are down; we almost feel sorry for her" the maid simply replied, adjusting the blondes clothing.


"It doesn't take a genius to work out how cruel her parents must be if she had to create an entire fake life for them"

"I didn't think about it like that" Emma mumbled, starting to think of a parent relationship based on lies.

"Compared to them, Regina is a saint" the maid quickly added, finally finishing the blondes outfit. Emma looked at little nervous at what she had gotten herself into. As the maid stepped back, the blonde looked herself up and down in the mirror. "There, perfect. Whatever you do, no matter how hot you are, you do not take the blazer off; she will end your life"

"Got it" Emma quickly said, making a mental note to remember that.

"SWAN, WHERE ARE YOU" Regina shouted into the speaker, her nerves turning into pure anger.

"You better run" the maid said with a laugh, encouraging the blonde to hurry.

Emma quickly took off out the room, her heels in her hand. As she ran down the main stairs, she saw Regina stood at the bottom with a face like thunder. Emma stopped half way to slip her shoes on, jogging down the rest of the way. Before she could speak, Regina dragged her over to stand beside the stair case.

"Stand up straight, they are parked outside. Now, do you remember the main rules" Regina asked in a stern voice, forcefully positioning the blonde.

"Yes, we done them a thousand times" Emma sighed, shrugging the woman off to stand straight.

"What do you do when they walk in" Regina asked, moving to stand beside the blonde.

"Neutral face with no emotion" Emma simply replied, having gone over these many times.

"When they introduce themselves, what do you call them"

"Sir and madam, nothing else"

"And when they ask about how we met, what do you say"

"Nothing, leave it to you"

"Correct, don't fuck this up" Regina ordered, keeping her eyes securely locked on the door.

"I won't" Emma sighed quietly, annoyed at the woman's lack of faith in her.

Regina slipped her arm around the blondes waist as she stood closer, nudging her arm around her shoulder. The pair stood as if they were a happy couple, watching as the double doors slowly opened.

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