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The next morning came about. Regina flickered her eyes open at the sound of her door knocking at 8 o'clock, right on time. She stretched out her tired arms as she sat up, catching sight of Emma still asleep. The brunette turned her nose up at the sight, having forgotten she was there. When she actually looked at the woman, she couldn't help the tiny hint of a smile at how cute she was; Regina liked a silent Emma. The sound of knocked came again, causing the brunette to frown and snap towards the door.

"I heard you the first time! Come in!" Regina huffed, hating when they don't wait for her.

"Sorry, ma'am, I didn't know if you were awake yet" Bernadette nervously answered, entering the woman's bedroom. She went over to the curtains and opened them, letting the light invade the room. "It's supposed to be a lovely day today"

"Ew, no, close the curtains" Emma mumbled, being blinded by the burning light.

"Wake up, Swan, and get up" Regina demanded, already climbing out of her bed.

"What time is it" Emma asked in a tired voice, not opening her eyes just yet.

"8, Miss" Bernadette softly said, walking past the sofa.

"Nope, fuck off, it's too early" Emma quickly said, burying her head into the pillow. Regina went over to the sofa and ripped the covers off her, causing the blonde to roll off the sofa. "Oh, shit"

"I said get up so do it" Regina sternly warned, throwing the cover over her own bed. "Bernadette, what are my plans"

"You and your parents are scheduled a catch up in the lounge at 9:30 till 10:30. Then the car will be here at 11 and take you to meet Erica. I found out that your parents are going shopping in town so Emma will have to be with you in case they see you" Bernadette informed, reading off her iPad.

"Oh for fuck sake" Regina cut in, sighing at the blondes presence.

"Thanks for that" Emma simply said, rolling her eyes at the brunettes comment.

"Right, well, we better start getting ready" Regina said with a large huff, already heading towards her dressing room.

"Whoa, she's a joy in the morning" Emma sighed, dropping her head back against her pillow.

"Isn't she just" Bernadette mumbled in the quietest voice she could, praying she wasn't heard by Regina. "Your outfit is layed out for you just here. I'd advise getting dressed fast, don't let her beat you or she'll kill you"

"Thank you" Emma said with a voice to show she was genuine. Bernadette simply nodded and left, not wanting to be caught there any longer. Emma done as she was told and hurried to get dress, once again getting confused. She put the suit pants on and shirt but became puzzled at the sight of the waistcoat. "Regina?"

"No, fuck off, Swan" Regina simply said, slipping into a pair of beige suit pants.

"I need your help, don't be an asshole" Emma huffed, knowing the brunette is being petty as usual.

"Then come here, I'm not coming to you" Regina sternly replied, sighing as she lifted her pyjama top over her head.

"Fine" Emma rolled her eyes as she walked into the room. As she looked up, Regina turned around and reveal her naked top half. "Shit, sorry. You didn't tell me you were naked"

"I was getting dressed, what did you expect? Now, what do you want" Regina asked in annoyance, beginning to clip her bra on.

"I umm... I don't umm..." Emma tried to say, unable to keep her eyes on the brunettes face.

"Do you want me to stop so you can take a picture" Regina asked, readying to lift her bra over her chest.

"No, sorry. Just get dressed" Emma hurried, this time turning away from the woman.

"Just get on with it, Swan" Regina huffed, finally covering her naked upper half.

"I don't understand this outfit"

"There's a shock from you"

"Shut up. The pants are blue but the waistcoat is black" Emma questioned, lifting the item of clothing up.

"And your point is what exactly" Regina asked, slipping into a matching silk shirt.

"They don't match" Emma replied, appearing as though it was obvious.

"Okay, look at me"

"Are you-"

"Yes, I'm dressed!" Regina snapped, annoyed by this whole situation. Emma nervously turned around, worried she'd see the woman naked again. It wasn't that she didn't want to, more so that she couldn't concentrate and she didn't like that. "Now, take a good look at my outfit and tell me if I have good style"

"Well, yeah" Emma replied, getting ready to argue the point.

"Then trust that I know what I'm picking out for you is the correct match" Regina cut in, her voice showing she was stern about this.

"I didn't mean to offend, I just don't know this kind of stuff" Emma quickly defended, raising her hands in surrender.

"Get out of my dressing room and finish getting dressed" Regina ordered, turning to head towards her bathroom.

As Emma went to leave, she noticed the urgency in Regina's pace. She watched as the brunette practically ran to the bathroom, slamming the door shut.  Emma was a little concerned by this, having noticed lots of other worrying things in the last few days she's known Regina. She went a little closer to the door, just in time to hear the woman throwing up. Regina clung to the toilet as she pukes up what was mostly liquid into the toilet.

"Regina, are you oka-"

"I said get the fuck out of my room, Swan!" Regina shouted, her fear bubbling up to make anger.

Emma remained silent but she knew she couldn't leave yet. She just listened to the sound of heavy breaths from the other side of the door, unsure whether she was going to puke again. Soon enough, it opened. Regina was startled to see the woman still stood there, instantly become conscious of her breath. The bathroom with her toothbrush was in her bedroom, this was just a toilet. She just frowned at the woman, giving a harsh glare before pushing past her.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course I am. Now, get dressed!"

"Regina" Emma quickly said, watching as the brunette headed towards her bedroom.

"What" Regina snapped, showing she wasn't in the mood to be talked to.

"When was the last time you ate" Emma finally asked, knowing the question was one that needed to be asked.

"Yesterday. You were sat next to me at dinner, you watched me eat" Regina simply replied, turned away as it was an obvious answer.

"No, I watched you play with your food until everyone else was done. When was the actual last time you ate" Emma softly questioned, looking at the back of the woman.

Regina just stayed still, not even able to breath properly. No one ever questioned her on something like that, no one ever noticed. Without bothering to turn back, Regina continued into her room and to her bathroom, unable to mask her pain at that point.

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