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It was an hour or so later and every Mills grandchild was finally in the house. Some, like Regina, had brought significant others for support but most came alone. They were all sat in the family room, waiting for someone to come in. Emma kept glancing up at Cheryl, one of the cousins, and her phone to make it less obvious. She was such a big fan and couldn't believe she was sat in the same room as her.

"Keep staring, dear, and you'll be sleeping on the sofa" Regina mumbled, not daring to look at the blonde beside her.

"Someone's jealous" Emma giggled, switching her eyes to the woman.

"I don't get jealous" Regina fired back, shooting the blonde a glare. When Emma raised her eyebrow and smirked, Regina turned her head away in a huffed. "Just stop staring at my cousin"

"I'm staring because I'm a big fan, you know that" Emma said with a laugh, nudging the brunettes shoulder.

"Well, staring won't accomplish anything" Regina bluntly replied, her tone growing more annoyed.

"It pissed you off, that's an accomplishment" Emma suggested, a smirk growing at her own little joke. Regina snapped her head back towards the blonde, her face showing only frustration at the sly comment. Anyone else would be scared and immediately apologize but Emma knew nothing was going to happen; she knew how to handle Regina. "Oh come on, don't give me that look"

"I'm not in the mood today, Swan" Regina grumbled, giving a look that could probably kill.

"I know you're not, I've been trying to help but you won't let me" Emma cut in, reaching to hold the woman's hand.

"I don't want it" Regina snapped back, ripping her hand from the blondes. Emma just looked at her, slightly upset by the reaction. She knew Regina was just scared but it still hurt. She chose to just lower her head and keep quiet, knowing that was probably the best. As she was looking at her own fingers, she noticed a hand slip between them and hold on tight. "I'm sorry, Swan"

She glanced up to see Regina looking at her, face showing only sadness. Regina knew she snapped too hard and just felt awful for it. She gave Emma's hand a small squeeze before looking away, unable to look at the hurt expression her fiance had to offer. Emma chose to rest her head upon Regina's shoulder, giving her the benefit of the doubt with everything that had gone on.

"It's okay, just don't keep snapping at me" Emma whispered, moving up closer to the woman.

"I'm trying, I promise" Regina sighed, fully aware of how difficult she can be.

Before either could speak, the double doors finally opened. In walked Johnathon, Jaquelyn, Arnold and the lawyer. As much as she hated them, Regina couldn't help but feel a small amount of relief at her mother's lack of presents.

"Any grandchild of Miriam Mills may now follow me to see her" the lawyer said, looking all around the room. "Any significant other must stay"

"Umm, can I choose to stay" Paige, John's daughter, asked in a valley girl tone, raising her hand in the air.

"If that's a choice, can I do that too" Regina quickly asked, actually looking at her father for an answer.

"No, unfortunately not" the lawyer immediately said, aware of his strict orders.

"Paige, you know better than that" Johnathon scolded, glaring at his daughter.

"But, dad, I don't wanna be here" Paige moaned, chomping down on her gum.

"Me neither" Ashely, John's other daughter, replied in the same voice.

"Me neither" Markus mocked the voice, rolling his eyes at their accent. "Learn to speak properly"

"Go fuck yourself" Ashely huffed, her perfect eyebrows knitting together.

"Just stop talking, I hate both your voices" Charles, Jaquelyn's son, complained, rolling his eyes at the pair.

And with that, every grandchild began arguing with each other; of course Regina joined. The topics kept changing from voices to money and all sorts of none related things. It happened every time the family came together.

"Enough!" Jacquelyn finally snapped, silencing the room. "You are to all keep your mouths shut until you are spoken to by one of us! I will not have this kind of behaviour, understand?"

They all knew to keep quiet by this point in their lives, having fallen for that trick too many times. Jacquelyn may be the youngest but she never failed to be the strictest, cruelest and loudest of the three. Send to Grandmother Mills, no one dared to answer back when she spoke. Well, no one but her brothers on the rare occasion they felt brave. When she was sure they wouldn't speak again, she gestured for the lawyer to speak.

"As I was saying, the grandchildren may now follow me and see Miriam" he nervously said, having feared this family for years.

With that, the man began to lead the way out of the room. They all followed out in silence, cautious at breathing too loudly next to Jaquelyn. When the door shut, the three stood and looked at their children's other halves. Of course, Arnold focused straight to Emma.

"Miss Swan, I'd have thought I'd never see you again" Arnold said in the most fake kind voice he could come up with.

"Yes, well, things have changed" Emma awkwardly mumbled, glancing down at her phone with hope she looked busy.

"Arnold, it's amusing that you think mother would give you the house when your daughter has a girlfriend" Johnathon chuckled, turning his nose up at the blonde.

"Oh please, it's just a phase. As much as I dislike Regina, there is no way she will actually stay in a relationship so sinful as a same sex one" Jaquelyn dismissed, giving Emma the most judgemental look possible.

"I will make sure she doesn't" Arnold warned, glaring as if it was aimed at the blonde.

All the things Emma could say came rushing to her head, begging to be let out. She knew if she said anything, Regina would kill her. As hard as it was, Emma just kept quiet, ignored their stares and kept her eyes glued to her phone. She was able to just listen to the awful things they said, easily aware of what they had in store.

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