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A couple of days had passed. The four were all eating dinner in silence, like always. As Regina placed the last bite in her mouth, she happily chewed and swallowed it. A small smile appeared on her face as she looked at the empty plate; she couldn't remember the last time she actually finished a meal. She tapped her foot against Emma's, catching the woman's attention.

"Hmm" Emma questioned, glancing up at the woman.

"I did it" Regina whispered ever so quietly, looking so pleased of her own achievement.

"I'm proud of you" Emma mouthed back, a smile to show she was tell the truth.

Emma reached over and squeezed the brunettes hand. Regina snapped her head up at the feeling, taken back by it. She bares witness to the warm smile Emma had for her, showing how glad and proud she truly was. Isabella scoffed at the sight, rolling her eyes in the process.

"What?" Regina asked harshly, glaring at her mother.

"Nothing, dear" Isabella shrugged off, glancing at her husband before her daughter.

"No, go on. I can see you are both thinking the same thing so what is it" Regina insisted, knowing she will hate the answer anyway.

"I just think it's a bit sad that you look so proud at the fact Regina can finish a meal. I mean, it's not exactly an accomplishment, is it" Isabella replied, judgement all over her face.

"Your siblings have achieved such highs and your greatest is finishing a meal" Arnold continued, rolling her eyes in disgust. "Markus is the assistant manager in my company; Jodie is a Broadway star; Bella married a CEO of a huge company; and Edward is a respectful scientist who is working on a cure for brain cancer. You are the only one who sits around and spends my money without care or a stability"

"Don't act like all my siblings are saints compared to me. Your company is criminal, Jodie is a druggie and Bella hates her husband. The only one I will allow you to use is Edward, he's actually doing good" Regina snapped back, liking that her family gossips so much.

"I also think that it is an achievement for Regina to finish her meal" Emma quickly said, easily aware this was getting to the brunette.

"Why? Because she has an 'eating disorder'? Please, everyone women who has money, has one. In my opinion, finishing your meal isn't a good thing" Isabella scoffed, taken back by the blonde speaking.

"Fuck this" Regina sighed in annoyance, standing up from the table and throwing her napkin down.

With that, Regina had stormed out the dinning room. Isabella and Arnold both just sighed at the theatrics, feeling embarrassed by their daughter. Emma stood up to follow, pausing at the sound of the couple exhaling.

"She had been working really hard with her eating and I don't think that what you said was okay" Emma said in a calm voice, knowing not to cross boundaries with these two.

"That's alright, your opinion doesn't really matter to us" Arnold simply replied, a polite smile to add to it.

"Well, at least you were honest" Emma mumbled to herself, already standing up to leave. There was a lot more she wanted to say but it could cost her loosing money if she went against Regina's rules. Emma hurried into the hall, seeing no sign of the brunette. "Hey, have you seen Regina?"

"Yes, ma'am, she went towards the kitchen" the butler said, keeping his straight posture as he stood proud.

"Thank you" Emma quickly said, heading towards the door he mentioned. As she walked in, she saw Regina leaning against the island with a stressed expression on her face. "Are you okay"

"I'm fine, go away" Regina bluntly replied, not daring to look up from the marble countertop.

"Don't be like that" Emma sighed, walking over to the brunette. "What they said isn't okay"

"I don't need your pity, Swan! I told you to go away and you'd be wise to do so" Regina huffed, her grip on her hair increasing. Emma just stayed where she was, observing the brunette. Regina noticed she was still there, finally snapping her head up at her. "What are you still doing here"

"I'm proud of you"

"What" Regina cut in sharply, confused by the answer.

"You ate your whole meal, didn't argue too much with your parents and you walked away at the right time. For that, I'm proud of you" Emma softly replied, not letting the defense mechanism offend her.

Regina just looked at Emma with her same annoyed look. Hearing the blonde say that was actually something she never knew she craves. It was like the drug she didn't know existed, feeling as though she needs the woman to say it over and over. Regina, of course, wouldn't allow anyone to know that; she couldn't have people knowing she likes approval.

"I don't care if you're proud of me; I don't need you to be" Regina harshly barked, growing more angry at herself than anyone else.

"If that's true, why did you show me your plate" Emma asked, easily aware of what the woman was doing.

"So you'd get off my back. If you think I need anything from you, you are sorely mistaken"

"I'm trying to help, why are you mad at me?"

"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT ANYONE'S HELP" Regina shouted, slamming her hand against the countertop. Emma was taken back by the outburst, not expecting such an explosion. Regina just looked down and took deep breaths, trying to settle her emotions. "Just let me fucking hurt in peace"

Emma watched the brunette taking much larger breaths. Regina's anger was trying to grow but she was not allowing it to be released again. Emma decided to walk over to the woman and quickly embrace her into a hug before she could refuse. Regina instantly held the blonde with all her strength, making sure she couldn't escape. As much as her eyes burnt, she wouldn't let herself cry on Emma; she just held her tight instead.

"It's okay, I know" Emma whispered into her ear, keeping her close to show she wasn't leaving.

At the sound of those words, Regina broke. Tears began pouring out of her eyes like a fountain, proving as if impossible to stop. The loud sound of her cries pulled at Emma's heartstrings, causing her to hug tighter. Regina just made sure her face was hidden and allowed herself to, finally, sob all her pain away.

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