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Emma was sat outside, by the pool, while she waited for Regina. She was reading little women, positioning herself upright with her legs crossed. A bikini was worn due to the hot weather; she had no intention of getting in the water today.

"2 mojitos and keep them coming" Regina requested, exiting the sliding doors.

"Yes, ma'am" the maid politely said, heading back into the house.

Regina walked over to the sunbeds, stopping at the one beside Emma. She barely took notice of the woman as she slipped out her cover up, tossing it on her sunbed. She walked over to the pool before finally glancing over her shoulder to see the blonde. Before Regina could speak, her breath felt as though it didn't exist anymore. Seeing the blonde sat so perfectly, reading her book, was one of the most beautiful sights Regina had ever seen. She just stared for a few seconds, unaware of how long. As she noticed the blondes head start to raise, she quickly snapped out of it.

"You coming in" Regina asked, looking back at the pool to hide her stare.

"No, thanks. I'm good with my book" Emma simply replied, flicking her eyes up to see the woman.

"Are you sure" Regina asked with a smirk, beginning to lower her body into the water.

"I'm sure but thanks" Emma chuckled, going back to her pages.

Regina dunked her head under the water to wet her face and hair. She mostly went in for a cool down, feeling far too hot inside. The sound of the sliding door was heard again, followed by the image of the maid bring two mojitos.

"Just put them there" Regina ordered, gesturing her hand to a table by her bed.

Emma glanced up to tell the woman off for being rude, catching sight of the brunette lifting herself out the water. The droplets glistening against her slight tanned skin and her wet hair slicked back. Emma's eyes didn't know where to look on the woman, mesmerized by it all. Regina went to walk when she noticed the blonde, smirking at her stare. She coughed to get the woman's attention, catching her off guard.

"Huh?" Emma asked, quickly flicking her eyes to the brunettes face.

"Enjoying the view" Regina asked, finally making her way to her cocktail.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Emma simply said, looking back at the book.

"Liar" Regina smirked, reaching to grab both glasses. "Here, this one is for you"

"Oh, umm, thanks" Emma replied, a little taken back the woman had a drink made for her.

"It's okay, it's not like I made it" Regina chuckled, taking the straw into her mouth.

Emma couldn't help but stare into the brown set of eyes looking back at her.  Regina was smiling as she slipped her cocktail, unable to break the eye contact. As she watched Emma place her drink down, finally done the same. She walked over to the blonde, swung her leg over the woman's body and sat upon her lap.

"What are you doing" Emma questioned, a small smirk as the brunette moved closer to her face.

"I'll give you three guesses" Regina whispered, pushing her hands through the blonde locks.

"You hated me at the beginning of this, what suddenly changed" Emma asked, trying to find the answer in the brown eyes.

"I grew to like you... A lot more than I thought" Regina whispered her confession, her lips almost touching the blondes.

Emma just about heard what she said but was questioning it in her head. Before she could ask, Regina captured Emma's lips with her own. She went to deepen it but the blonde moved her head back, breaking the kiss.

"I know I'm just sex to you" Emma sighed, avoiding eye contact with the attractive woman.

"I never said that" Regina simply replied, using her two fingers to lift blondes head up.

"You didn't need to, I know you're..."

"You know I'm what, huh?" Regina cut in, slight annoyance in her tone at what was to come.

"I know you're someone who doesn't date, just sleeps with whoever she wants" Emma replied hesitantly, aware she may regret that.

"You don't know me as well as you think" Regina said in a reserved tone, leaning back the slightest to see her better. Emma didn't have much to say to that, choosing to just look into the vulnerable eyes in front of her. Regina pushed a hand through the blonde locks and brought it down to her cheek, smiling a little. "Also, you're hands are still on my waist"

"I know" Emma simply replied, subconsciously bringing the brunettes hips a bit closer.

"Why are you over thinking all of this" Regina softly questioned, allowing both her thumbs to brush the blondes cheeks.

"Because my extreme anxiety tells me to" Emma sighed in slight annoyance at her own mental illness. Regina let a little giggle out at the answer, her lip falling between her teeth. "Why's that funny"

"Because I've answered that exact question with that exact answer" Regina chuckled, liking that was something they had in common.

Emma couldn't help the small laugh along side the other woman. Regina moved to rest her head upon the blondes, a sweet smile on her face. Emma hadn't seen the woman smile like this before; it had always been filled with some sort of trouble.

"You're so beautiful" Emma whispered, somehow bringing the woman's hips even closer to her body.

"What" Regina asked, taken back by the words she just heard. "Did you call me beautiful"

"Yeah, of course"

"Not hot or sexy?"

"No, I called you beautiful" Emma giggled her response, amused by her shock.

"No one ever calls me beautiful" Regina said in an almost whisper, her breath growing heavier.

As she watched the blonde's smile grow, Regina felt infected by it. She leaned in and captured Emma's lips, holding her face as close as she could. They both raced to deepen the kiss, fighting for any dominance. Regina led the blonde down without breaking the kiss, her hand making its way down to her bikini bottoms.

"What if someone sees us" Emma asked with a giggle, barely breaking the kiss.

"My parents aren't here"

"And the staff?"

"Nothing they haven't seen before"

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