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Regina stormed into her bedroom, finding Emma asleep on the sofa. She slammed the door shut in hope to wake her. Nothing. She marched over in anger, smacked the blondes legs off the sofa and woke her up. Emma's body rolled off the cushions and collided with the floor, creating a big bang.

"Really?" Emma sighed, easily knowing it's the brunette without looking at her.

"You agreed for us to meet with my parents now? What the fuck were you thinking" Regina snapped, heading towards her bed to sit down.

"They wanted to talk to me there and then. What was I supposed to say" Emma asked tiredly, lifting her body off the floor.

"How about no? God, you are such an idiot who clearly doesn't think" Regina huffed in annoyance, throwing her head back to lie on the bed.

"I said no, they didn't like that. This was the only way I could get away and shower" Emma quickly replied, finally standing up from the floor.

"Oh shit, I still haven't shower yet" Regina sighed, remembering that's why she was on her way up. She could just about see Emma out the corner of her eye, noticing how her top had risen a little to show off her abs; a wicked smirk crept across her face. "Want to come shower with me"

"I've showered already" Emma simply replied, turning away to hide her awkwardness.

"Can't be too clean" Regina smirked, propping herself up with her elbows.

"I highly believe a shower with you is anything but clean" Emma snickered, running her eyes up and down the woman.

"What's wrong with that" Regina asked, slowly slipping out her blazer.

"Look, I'm not someone who has one night stands" Emma sighed, turning around to see the attractive brunette.

"Join me in the shower and it won't be a one night stand anymore" Regina smirked, leaning down to slip her heels off.

"I don't do hookups either" Emma added, unable to take her eyes off the woman.

"You don't? How do you get laid" Regina asked, actually surprised by this.

"I try dating whenever I can but I work so much, I don't have time for anything" Emma admitted with a shrug, knowing it's not something she thinks about.

"Then why not do hookups, even if it's just someone random in a club. Maybe that's why you are so tense, you need to fool around" Regina said with a chuckle, finally standing from her bed.

"You've slept with half of Beverly Hill and yet you're still tense and extremely stuck up" Emma fired back, glancing over her shoulder at her.

"At least I can get laid" Regina sassed, rolling her eyes at the woman.

"That would be a good come back if you hadn't just fucked me an hour ago" Emma added, giving a slight smirk at her own words. Regina just chuckled as she walked to the bathroom, having nothing more to say to that. "Have you eaten today"

"No, not yet" Regina simply replied, picking up her pace a little.

"I've been paid from my last job. We could blow your parents off and go to McDonalds" Emma offered, knowing their little deal still remained.

"I'm not that hungry" Regina awkwardly lied, not looking at the blonde as she knew it was obvious.

"You don't have to be hungry" Emma chuckled, knowing exactly what the brunette is doing.

"Fine. Let me shower and we'll go" Regina sighed, having no way of getting out of this.

Emma smiled widely at the words. She watched as Regina went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She continued to smile at the thought, knowing this is a big accomplishment for the brunette to agree. Emma just sat and waited patiently for Regina to finish her shower, playing a bit of fruit ninja to pass the time. Soon enough, the woman appeared from her closet in a new outfit.

"When did you come through here" Emma asked in confusion, fluxing from the bathroom door and the brunette.

"I went through the adjoining door, idiot" Regina sighed, knowing the answer was obvious.

"Oh yeah, I always forget about that" Emma replied, feeling dumb for not remembering that small detail.

"You are a moron sometimes, Swan. Now, let's go before I change my mind" Regina hurried, already heading out the door. "We have to be quiet and go the long way; I won't risk my parents catching us"

The pair felt as though they were teenagers sneaking out, desperate to stay hidden. Luckily enough, they made it out undetected. Regina smirked as she got to her car, slipping into the already open door. Emma followed behind and shut it herself, hating when others do it all for her.

"Where to, ma'am" the driver asked, glancing over his shoulder.

"McDonalds, I believe" Regina replied with her nose very much turned up.

"It's not that bad" Emma chuckle, slouching down beside the woman.

"I'm sure it is but I will hold up my end of the deal if I like it" Regina simply said, resting against the back of the seat.

The pair stayed quiet for the whole drive, having nothing to really say to each other. It wasn't a far drive, surprising the brunette. She had hoped it would be further from her home to show a little class to her neighbourhood.

"Would you like to go in or the drive-thru" the driver asked, unaware of what the woman would answer to that.

"Drive, I don't want to be seen in there" Regina hurried her response, disgusted by the thought.

"And what shall I order you"

"I don't know, ask Emma"

"Could you get me a double big Mac meal with a coke, please? Umm... Get Regina a chicken legend meal with whatever drink she wants and 20 chicken nuggets" Emma happily responded, growing more excited as she waited.

"You do remember I have an eating problem, right? I'm not eating all of that" Regina quickly cut in, looking a little worried at the amount of food.

"It's okay, I don't expect you to finish it. Whatever you don't eat, I'll eat" Emma softly replied, giving a reassuring smile to the woman. Regina just looked a little fearful, knowing the thought of eating actually scares her more than she'll ever admit. "What drink do you want?"

"Whatever one you got" Regina shrugged, knowing she doesn't know what to order from here.

The driver went through the drive through and ordered their food, using Emma's card to pay. As he began driving home, the pair sat in the back with their meal.

"Right, your first McDonalds" Emma said with a smile, already unwrapping her burger.

"This better be worth it" Regina sighed, hesitating to take a bite.

After a few seconds, she finally lifted the burger to her mouth and bit into it. She chewed twice before freezing, frowning a little. Emma paused before she could take her first bite, noticing the reaction.

"Ugh, you don't like it, do you" Emma sighed, watching the woman continue to chew.

"Actually, it's not too bad" Regina replied quietly, hating to admit she was wrong.

"Holy shit! I knew you'd like it!"

"You win. I'll transfer you the money for this"

Emma smiled widely at this, happy she actually won a bet against the woman. As she continued to eat her food, Regina couldn't help but smile at the blonde and maybe even admire her. She didn't actually like the food in anyway, finding it disgusting, but she felt bad for taking any little money this woman had; she also liked seeing her happy.

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