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"Your parents are waiting for you in the lounge" Bernadette informed, following behind her boss as they went downstairs.

"And how long does this catch up have go last" Regina asked, already showing she didn't want to do this.

"An hour, ma'am" Bernadette simply replied, knowing she couldn't shorten it.

"Oh god, that's far too long with them. Come up with an excuse to get us out after half hour. If not, at least get Emma out of there; I won't have her fuck this up" Regina demanded, stopping once she was at the bottom of the steps.

"I'm not going to fuck this up. Why do you have no faith in me" Emma asked in annoyance, finally sticking up for herself.

"Oh, Hun, you don't want the answer to that" Regina sassed, brushing the comment off her shoulder. "But I have something I want to work on with you before we go in"

"What is it" Emma asked, a little nervous at this now.

"Bernadette, fuck off"

"Oh, umm... Yes, ma'am"

"Come get at least one or both of us out of this by 10 or your fired" Regina instructed, watching the woman leave.

"You don't have to be so hard on people, you know" Emma said with a slight sigh, annoyed by the brunettes manners.

"I don't give a shit. I am very busy, very tired and very stressed due to the fact that I have parents who try to control me and make my life a living hell. So, forgive me for wanting some power in my own house" Regina snapped, unsure why she even let that all out. Emma was a little taken back by the rant, having known the woman for being rather closed off. Ashamed she let the smallest bit of vulnerability out, Regina decided to glare at the blonde and continue. "Back to what I was saying; I want to work on that kiss"

"What?" Emma quickly questioned, snapping her head up at the sound.

Regina stepped forward, pulled the blondes face towards her and kissed her instantly; there was no answer or thought to it. Emma couldn't help but feel shocked at the move, not expecting her to just be kissed. Having said that, it didn't take her long to join. Emma only pushed her lips against Regina's for a second before pulling away, looking surprised and confused at the same time.

"Not too bad but you need to loose up and hold me like you actually want to be kissing me" Regina informed, wiping the side of her mouth in case her lipstick smudged.

"Well, a bit of warning would have been helpful" Emma said with a sigh, still puzzled at what happened.

"Sometimes, you won't get warning so get better at it" Regina huffed, knowing it was obvious to her. "Right, now, I'm going to stick my tongue in your mouth and you are going to work on what I just said"

"Okay, um-"

Before Emma could finish, Regina kissed her again; this time it wasn't so rushed and forced. Emma slid her hands onto Regina's hips, subconsciously pulling her closer. As they shared the deep and intimate kiss, both couldn't help but enjoy it once again. Regina felt herself growing too attached to the kiss, feeling as though she couldn't pull away. This scared her and caused her to quickly break their contact. A mask of sternness consumed her face as she looked at the woman, hiding any desire she felt.

"That was good, could do with a bit more work on it but that might just be you" Regina sassed, disguising any trace of her like this kiss. "Other than that, it was fine. Pulling me in was a nice touch, showed passion, and you weren't tense this time"

"Thanks, I guess" Emma replied, unsure if any of that was a compliment or dig. Regina just rolled her eyes and headed towards the lounge, Emma close behind. She stopped at the double doors and waited for them to be opened, never doing it herself. Emma stepped closer to Regina, remaining behind her, and leaned close to her ear. "I know you liked it"

Regina frowned at the comment, only looking over her shoulder enough to glare at the blonde. She didn't have time to make a comment before the doors opened. She just shrugged it off and walked into the lounge, catching both her parents attention.

"Well, it's about time" Isabella sighed, sitting up to make herself more presentable.

"Sorry, someone couldn't find her shoe" Regina said with a giggle, glancing at the blonde to hint it was her.

"My bad" Emma added, playing more into the part.

"Oh, she does talk then" Arnold questioned, giving a sarcastically shocked look.

Regina decided to ignore the comment and sit down on the sofa opposite her parents. She held her hand towards Emma and pulled her closer, sitting the woman close beside her. Their hands remained together as they sat, both only realizing after a few seconds.

"So, how are my brother's and sisters" Regina asked, already showing she didn't care about them.

Regina had four siblings, none of which talked to each other. There was Markus, Jodie, Bella, Regina and Edward. Growing up, they use to be close but their parents meddled and caused the five to split and never speak.

"They are good, all married to the opposite sex and have biological kids with their partners" Isabella replied, unsubtly offending her daughter.

"I could have a biological child whether I'm with Emma or not, I just don't want to" Regina quickly said, knowing this conversation always happens.

"And you are okay with not having children because this one said so" Arnold asked, his eyes locked to the blonde of the two women.

"Anything to make her happy" Emma easily said, squeezing the brunettes hand as she did.

"So, you have to make such a big sacrifice for her" Arnold continued, purposely twisting the woman's words.

"Dad!" Regina huffed, knowing exactly where this is going. Before she could continue, the door knocked. "What?!"

"Phone call for you, ma'am"

"I'm obviously busy" Regina sighed, looking away from the butler at the door.

"They said it's urgent" he added, already heading out the door.

"Go, Regina, we will be fine here without you" Arnold encouraged, glancing across at his sour faced wife.

Regina only had fear on her face at the thought. She glanced at Emma and silently questioned her, praying she could handle this. Emma just gave the tiniest nod and squeezed her hand, showing she will be fine.

"Alright, I'll be back as soon as I can" Regina sighed, lifting her body off the sofa.

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