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The limo pulled up outside a large mansion, flashing lights and loud music coming from inside. Emma looked at the place with sight amusement, having never seen something like that.

"Well, this is it. This is Garcia manner, home to the man my parents want me to marry" Regina coldly said, showing she was annoyed by her own words. She turned her nose up at the place, examining the house she had been to many times. "Mines still bigger"

"Why do your parents want you to marry him so badly" Emma asked, looking away from the mansion and to the brunette.

"Because, as much of a dick he is, he's very rich and works for his family business" Regina replied, rolling her eyes at the man's easy life.

"Is he a nice guy? You wouldn't even consider it just to keep them happy, or at least quiet" Emma asked, remembering their reacting when they saw her.

"I've been an openly gay woman since I was 14 and they have always called it a phase. Having a 'wife' is a point of principle, trying to prove this is actually who I am" Regina huffed her response, thinking back to her parents awful words.

"Fair enough" Emma replied, knowing there wasn't an argument to that.

"Let's get this over with" Regina sighed, climbing out the now open door. She, obviously, didn't thank the driver for opening the door but Emma did. She just glanced over at the limo behind, watching her parents climb out. The brunette leaned close to Emma's ear and pulled her body in. "Whatever you do, don't leave my side, especially if Javier comes over"

"Trust me, wasn't planning on it" Emma whispered back, thinking it was obvious.

"I'm serious, please, stay close" Regina quickly added, a small plead in her voice. Emma looked curious at the words but didn't have time to question it. Arnold and Isabella came wondering over, adjusting their outfits from being sat down. "Right, let's get this over with"

"Oh, don't be such a grumps, Regina, you might enjoy it. Did you know Javier is still single" Isabella questioned, leaning the way in her husband's arm.

"I couldn't imagine why" Regina sarcastically said, rolling her eyes in the process.

"He's also looking to settle down with a nice girl. I warned him you weren't nice but he still wants you anyway" Isabella continued, ignoring the brunette previous comment.

"I'm literally hugging my wife's arm right now and you're trying to fix me up with a middle aged nob head who can't find someone dumb enough to marry him" Regina questioned in annoyance, squeezing Emma's arm tighter.

"Watch your mouth, Regina" Arnold warned, barely glancing over his shoulder at her.

"I don't give a shit, I'm not leaving my wife for Javier" Regina huffed, knowing they always do this.

As they made it to the door, Arnold snapped his head round. His angry eyes burned holes through Regina, scaring her into shutting up. Once silent, he entered the open doors. The place was packed with drunk and snobby people, all dancing and laughing. Emma was a little taken back by the sight, having assumed it would be more classy.

"This isn't what I expected" Emma whispered to the brunette, moving a little closer for securience.

"Yep, rich people party like animals" Regina replied, turning her nose up at the sight.

"You're not a party person?" Emma asked, surprised by the discovery.

"I am but it's Javier's parties that I'm not a fan of" Regina simply answer, remembering all the bad things that happen here. "Speaking of, there he is with my parents"

Emma glanced over to see a tall, Spanish man talking to the Mills parents. He was rather handsome and had a slim build; a killer smile that charmed most. At the sight of him, Regina moved up closer to Emma and wrapped both arms around her waist. Her body was more tense than usual and her face appeared fearful.

"You ok" Emma quickly asked, leaning down to the brunettes ear.

"I'm fine" Regina quickly replied, glancing up at the woman.

Their faces were closer than either planned, neither expecting the other to be there. That same old heated tension grew around the pair, making them question whether it's hatred or something else. Regina chose to lean in and connect their lips, appearing as of she done it for an act. This was, of course, a lie. Regina didn't know the real reason as to why she kissed Emma in that moment, she just did. Before either could deepen it, they heard someone speak.

"Regina" Arnold loudly said, making sure he got her attention.

"Hmm" Regina questioned, bring the kiss to glance at the man; her face still close to Emma's.

"Aren't you going to greet your host" Arnold asked, gesturing to the man beside him.

"Regina, always a pleasure to see you" Javier happily said, taking the brunettes hand off Emma's hip to kiss it.

"I'm sure it is" Regina simply said, her tone showing she wasn't as happy back.

"And who is this you are stood so close to" Javier asked, moving the brunette away to stand closer to her.

"Her friend" Isabella quickly said, shooting daggers at the blonde.

"Actually, I'm her wife" Emma cut in, sliding her arm back around her 'wife' to hold her close.

"This is Emma" Regina added, a smile as she cuddled into the blondes body.

"Ugh, Regina, you're gonna kill me" Javier dramatically said, holding his hand over his heart.

"If only" Regina whispered, only loud enough for Emma to hear.

"What was that?"


"Well, would you at least allow me to have a dance" Javier asked, holding his hand out to the brunette.

"No, thanks. I've got my date and she's a pretty good dance partner" Regina replied with a chuckle, flinching away from his hand.

Emma grew worried at those words. She had no clue how to dance, especially like this. Her version of dancing was bopping up and down in a night club; not this. Javier just winked at Regina and turned away, having plans to try again later.

"What is wrong with you, Regina? Javier is a good man, handsome too" Isabella sighed in disappointment, turning away from her daughter.

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