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It's later that evening. Due to late arrivals, none of the grandchildren had seen grandmother Mills yet. Regina was relieved by this. Even though the woman was on her death bed, she'd have come up with some way to insult her. The family had just eaten and all in their rooms, not wanting to socialize with each other. Regina was in the bathroom whilst Emma was on the bed. The blonde was worried about the other woman but knew to wait until she was calm again. When Regina walked into the room, the stress was radiating from her body.

"A week? A whole week in this fucking house" Regina questioned aloud, rubbing lotion into her hands.

"Come here" Emma requested, holding her arms towards the woman. Regina didn't hesitate to walk over, climbing straight into the bed. "I know this is going to be tough but we can hang in there. If we have to hide in here for most of the time, we shall"

"Doesn't sound like a bad idea" Regina smirked, walking her fingers up the blondes torso.

"I didn't mean it like that" Emma chuckled, knowing she should have guessed where her mind would go.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this" Regina softly said, her doey eyes just staring into the green pair.

"I've seen you worse, trust me" Emma laughed effortlessly, remembering the brunette when they first met.

"That's probably true" Regina added, sighing out a laugh. "How on earth did you fall in love with me"

"I fell in love with the real you" Emma replied, brushing a strand of hair behind the woman's ear. "I've worked in Beverly Hills for years and I've seen women like you come and go as if I didn't exist; I was invisible. Then, one day, you walked in. You didn't just look at me, you saw me. That was the real you that day, not all the anger and cruelty you showed off"

"Of course I saw you... I'd never seen anyone so beautiful as you" Regina replied softly, looking longingly into the woman's eyes.

"How did you fall in love with me" Emma asked, curious as to how it happened.

"You cared about me and showed me kindness, something I'd never had before. You make you a better person, a person I wish I could be. You took care of me and in return, I fell in love with you" Regina answered, her eyes not daring to move from her favourite pair. "You are perfect, Swan, in every way"

"You are still calling me Swan after all this time" Emma laughed her question, shaking her head in the process.

"I can change it to Mills if you want" Regina asked, a shy smirk growing across her face. Emma frowned the tiniest bit, questioning what was just said. Regina just allowed her smile to grow more as she nodded to confirm. "I'm not going to find anyone better than you. Heck, I don't want anyone better than you. Will you be my wife for real this time"

"Are you being serious? Like actually serious" Emma asked, so much shock and disbelief on her face.

"Of course I am. I mean, this isn't how I imagined doing it but, yes, I'm serious" Regina confirmed, brushing her hand onto the blondes cheek.

"I don't know what to say. I... Yes, yes, of course I'll marry you" Emma hurried to reply, her smile increasing in size.



Regina, beaming with joy, closed the small gap between their faces and crashed their lips together. Both women were in utter shock at this, neither expecting it. Regina had been thinking about it for a few days but never thought she'd have the courage to say it. Having heard what Emma said, she didn't even realize it came out. As the couple shared the most passionate kiss of their life, Regina's bedroom door knocked. Both broke away and just stared at it, confused who is there.

"The staff know not to disturb" Regina quietly said, turning her head back to the blonde.

"Could it be one of your siblings then? Or your parents" Emma asked, wondering if this is usual or not.

"Either way, I'm not getting it" Regina dismissed, moving back to kiss the blonde. Before it could move any further than that, the door knocked again. Regina huffed loudly as she pulled away, easily heard outside the door. "Fuck sake! Who is it"

"Jodie" the woman replied, knowing not to go in.

"Absolutely not, go away" Regina demanded, turning away from the door again.

"I just want to talk" Jodie sighed softly, having guessed this response.

"Not happening" Regina fired back, cuddling into the blonde for comfort.

"Gina" Emma said quietly, brushing her hair out the way.

"Don't, Swan, don't Gina me" Regina warned, knowing that always works on her. She cuddled close to the blonde to hide her face. "I'm not doing it"

"You don't have to now but say you will tomorrow or something" Emma replied, gently lifting her face up.

Regina stayed quiet for a few seconds, actually debating this. Finally, she huffed in defeat. At this sound, Emma just gave a reassuring smile that it would be ok.

"I hate that you can do this to me" Regina mumbled, rolling onto her back to see the door. "We can talk tomorrow, Jodie"

"Okay, thanks... I'm sorry about what Markus said earlier" Jodie simply said, a kind but awkward tone to her voice.

Regina didn't feel the need to answer and just stayed quiet, staring at the ceiling. Jodie had already guessed this and made her way to her bedroom, able to sleep on it for now. Emma reached over to hold the brunettes cheek, slowly bringing her face round.

"I'm proud, that was the mature thing to do" Emma softly said, giving a kind smile as she did.

"See? You bring the best out in me" Regina giggled weakly, staring into the green eyes.

"It's because she's my favourite" Emma replied, laughing along with the brunette.

"That can't be true" Regina quickly said, slowly sitting up. She swung her leg over the blondes body and straddled her waist, smirking down at her. The woman's left hand reached down and wrapped itself around Emma's neck, bring them a little closer. "I think this one is your favourite"

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