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Regina was in her wardrobe, changing into her night clothes. She took a silk vest top with lace across the top and a set of match shorts, setting them beside her. As she slipped out her dress, Emma walked into the room.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were done" Emma quickly said, turning away in slight embarrassment.

"Oh, grow up, Swan. Everyone in Beverly Hills has seen me naked" Regina sighed, rolling her eyes as she tossed it into the wash basket.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that was actually true" Emma said with a chuckle, finally looking back at the woman.

"You're such a twat"

"I know"

"What do you want" Regina asked, unclipping her bra as if no one was there. Emma couldn't help but freeze at the sight of the woman's naked body, finding it hard to catch her breath. Regina glanced up with confusion, wondering why she wasn't answering. A small smirk appeared across her lips and her eyebrow raised up to her hair. "Are you done"

"What? I didn't hear anything after you took your bra off" Emma quickly asked, snapping her head away from the woman's chest.

"Yes, I can see that. I asked what you want" Regina questioned with a small chuckle, turning the other way to slip out her underwear.

"Can you stop undressing, I can't concentrate" Emma sighed, looking away from the now naked brunette.

"That's the first time someone asked me that" Regina laughed, slipping her shorts over her ass. "How about you fuck off and let me get dressed"

"Yeah, good plan" Emma quickly said, already heading out the door.

Regina just laughed to herself, enjoying being able to tease such an easy target. She put her top over her head and straightened it out, making sure she looked perfect. She then slipped a thin robe around her body, covering the fact she is even wearing clothes. She headed into her bedroom, seeing Emma just sat on the end of her bed.

"You can look now, I'm dressed" Regina said with a small smirk, leaning against the door frame.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to barge in while you were like that" Emma nervously said, unsure whether to look in case she wasn't.

"Get over yourself, Swan, we both have the same parts" Regina sighed, rolling her eyes as she pushed off the frame. "What did you want anyway"

"To ask where I am sleeping" Emma questioned, finally standing from the bed as if she was to get in it.

"Either that sofa or the floor, whichever seems more comfortable for you" Regina simply replied, gesturing to the three seater sofa by the wall.

"Seriously? For two months I have to sleep on that" Emma asked, already able to see it isn't comfortable for sleeping.

"I can have them bring one of those tacky sofa's that become a bed for you tomorrow... Or there may be a spare mattress I can chuck on the floor each night" Regina offered with a shrug, taking the millions of pillows off her bed.

"So you get a grand king size bed and I am stuck with a mattress on the floor" Emma questioned, unsure how this worked out fair for her.

"When you're rich, you get big beds" Regina bragged with a smirk, glancing over at the annoyed blonde.

"If I was rich, I wouldn't be helping you. You can't be big enough to take up a whole king size bed" Emma sighed dramatically, knowing her back won't survive on that.

"Enjoy the sofa, Miss Swan. I'm sure there is a blanket at the end for you" Regina simply said, showing she had ended the conversation.

Emma huffed as she sat on the sofa, knowing she didn't sign up to that. She grabbed the thin blanket from the bottom of the arm rest, chucking it over her own body. The day may have been warm but the night was cold due to the Aircon in the room and the icy temperature in the house. Regina's bed had two quilts over it due to the house always been cold; she'd rather be cold and get warm than warm and try get cold. As she began to close her eyes, she heard the small sound of shivers from the blonde. She sat up enough for her head to be seen, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Sorry" Emma mumbled, wrapping the blanket around her body even more.

"Just keep it down" Regina sternly said, rolling her eyes at the sound.

Emma sighed in annoyance, knowing she should have guessed the brunette would be like this. Regina just looked at her for a few seconds, unsure why she was beginning to feel guilt. She frowned at herself, quietly huffing as she threw her head back against the bed. Emma rolled onto her side, closing her eyes to try and sleep in the icy room. She then felt a large quilt drop on top of her, startling her eyes open. She snapped her head up to see the brunette walking back to her bed, not bothering to say anything. She smiled a little as she cuddled into the large blanket, warming her body up.

"Thank you" Emma whispered quietly, giving a smile to the woman as she did.

"Shut up and go to sleep!" Regina harshly scolded, not even daring to look at the woman.

"Why are you so cruel" Emma asked with a sigh, sitting up a little more to see the woman.

"Excuse me" Regina snapped, sitting up in a rapid pace to glare at the woman.

"Just forget it. Good night" Emma sighed as she rolled over, knowing there was no point fighting.

"I can't wait to have an empty house again" Regina huffed, mostly to herself, as she threw her head back against the pillow.

"Don't you get lonely" Emma questioned, glancing at the bed but not bothering to sit up this time.

"I thought you were going to sleep" Regina bluntly replied, her harsh tone burning through. Emma rolled her eyes at the cruel woman, cuddling more into her cover. Regina thought about the question, unsure why it bothered her so much. "I like being alone" Regina awkwardly replied, unsure if she was convincing the blonde or herself.

Emma just stayed quiet, knowing she will be snapped at again if she speaks. As she drifted off to sleep, Regina stared at the ceiling in slight confusion. The simple question had never been asked of her before, she always avoided talking about living alone. To have such a big house and no one to share it with can be upsetting to think about.

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